I can't exactly remember when this book was given to me from my maternal Gramma. I actually didn't read it right away, but when I did it was life changing. It was found with my Mom's belongings at the site of the plane crash that killed her in 1974. (The book in the photos is a bit bigger than your average business card.)
Most of it didn't make sense to me the first time I read it, because my ego self wasn't ready to hear the truth. Every now and then I'd read it and eventually things started to make sense. When I had my aha moment is when the life changing part of things happened. Finding one's soul is not an easy journey. There are so many untruths about life that have to be unpacked, re-examined, kept or tossed, and then a reality check happens that isn't without mental anguish. The anguish is your ego dying and your soul being birthed. Fear is used by imperfect beings to keep other imperfect beings from finding out the truth. Fear is what you see around us in the world today. Fear of each other. We aren't meant to live this way. We are meant to live in peace. This can only happen if ego is released and the soul is embraced. If you can find a copy of "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen, I really encourage you to read it over and over and over until you have your own aha moment. I look forward to seeing you in the arena with the other found souls. <3
Woke up to these words whispering from my soul today: "Are you ready?". My response: "YES".
I've always been a loner. Never quite fitting in anywhere. Always feeling awkward around others. There are all kinds of fancy diagnoses for people who don't quite connect with the untruths that are taught to us from the time we are children. A label to ensure that you don't figure out what that restless feeling is that you carry around. We all carry around. My past is complicated. It had to be, so that I could experience deep deep hurt and pain. Also so that I could experience deep deep love and joy. Both of these are necessary on the journey to finding one's soul. And neither were done by God, but by the free will we have as a species. A person grappling with their own misunderstandings of their soul's purpose, hurt me. A person wanting to light my path's journey to my soul's purpose, loved me. I made choices that brought good or bad karma into my life. We all made choices that brought good or bad karma into our world. I am not a perfect being. I am an imperfect self made being who tries really hard to listen to her soul. This is not an easy thing to do with all the noisy distractions in life. The soul whispers while everything else roars. As I put the final touches on what will encompass the next 30 or so years of my life, I am grateful. I am at peace. I am ready. <3 There can only be two chairs at the table when you are soul searching. Yours and your soul's. Any more than that and it's no longer soul searching that you are doing. The ego has no chair at this table.
To find your soul you must first be able to like you. When you like you, then you must learn how to love you. This can only be achieved by listening to your soul, not your ego. Learning how to do this is a marathon, not a sprint. We all have a defining moment when we are given the opportunity to at least acknowledge that we have a soul. What you decide to do with that moment of clarity will put you on your path to finding or denying your soul. For me it was January 15th, 2002 after my tumultuous eight year common law relationship ended. That was a very dark time for me. A soul searching time. Letting go of ego time. I was 34 years old. Then on January 1st, 2004 I picked up a pen and started to write. It wasn't slow and thoughtful writing. The words came fast and furious. I wasn't given time to think about them. They just flowed non stop all day everyday for a year. Then one day, just as quickly as the writing started, it stopped abruptly. I was emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. It wasn't lost on me that I had just written something profound. I called what I had written "Life's Holy Rhymes". December 2010 - I typed the handwritten pages into a binder. September 2022 - I set out on the path to become a published author. I have been "single" since January 15th, 2002. No dating, no relationships. In the beginning it was because of the hurt. Then my childhood conversation with God at six years old rang in my ears. "Trust me and you will learn what it is for". I had to sit at my table for two with my soul to be able to understand my calling. Finding one's soul takes commitment. It takes a willingness to release the ego. It takes a willingness to sit at a table set for two, when it is just you there. It won't matter what others think. It will only matter what you think. Now you are free to just be. I have the "gift". We all have the "gift". I've done the work to understand the gift. Not everyone wants to do that work.
To be able to access the gift we must first be able to acknowledge our humanness. This means that we accept our oneness. We recognize that we each have a soul and those souls are connected. Some souls are found. Some souls are in progress. Some souls are lost. Our purpose is to help each other to find our soul so that we can be whole. The audacity of 535 humans trying to tell 150,000,000 other humans that they can't connect is gross. It was inevitable that technology was going to propel us into the next phase of our existence. Meanwhile that same technology will face its own reckoning as it slows down to allow us to catch up. 2025 keeps coming to mind. I have written a book. The book was divinely sent. I started a Foundation. The foundation was divinely sent. Where focus goes; energy flows. But it has to flow from somewhere. The somewhere is your soul. If you have found your soul...use it for its intended purpose. If you are in progress to finding your soul...keep going! If you haven't yet found your soul...look in the mirror at the eyes looking back at you! Wishing everyone well on their journey to understanding their soul's purpose. <3 I LOVE when people ask me this question. My answer always brings a smile or a sneer.
We are God. According to scientists, the earth is supposedly 4.5 billion years old. According to scientists, humans "arrived" on earth 5-7 million years ago. According to scientists there have been about 117 billion humans before us. You are one of 8 billion humans currently alive on earth. Where are the 117 billion humans before us buried? If you want to understand God, you have to first understand your soul. We all have one. Just like we all have a brain and a heart. All three of these things are God. You need a heart and brain to live. Finding your soul is an option. Finding your soul finds God and the answers you desire. Do you listen with your head or your heart? Have you ever considered listening with your soul? When all three of these things are working in tandem you will get a "human" glimpse into what "created" God. Anything more than a glimpse will bring fear because the human mind does not have the capability to fully understand God. Your soul has to earn this understanding. Have you ever wondered why you are one of the 125 billion human's that have been on earth? When you need to know the answer to that question, you will have taken your first step to finding your soul. You are now ready to understand the purpose of your Godly existence. January 3, 2004 - March 25, 2023.
While I was writing Life's Holy Rhymes nineteen years ago, Mark Zuckerberg was preparing to launch Facebook! Just four years prior to 2004 we were supposed to have a major glitch in our technology because of Y2K. Could anyone ever have imagined what we would become because of the advances in technology? My aha moment about technology is that we are to use it to remain physically connected. It's the only way for our species to share our collective wisdom that will eventually bring about the changes that are desired. Using the teachings from Life's Holy Rhymes, I wrote "The Sun Neither Rises nor Sets". I see the book as a means to remind us of a simpler time. A time before we started to overlook our souls purpose. Prior to social media, when we saw each other. Prior to social media, when we trusted each other. The timing of my book's journey to publication isn't overly a surprise to me. I knew that the timing of it being released into the literary world would be when it was needed the most. Something is shifting at this time. It's being called many things. I call it soul searching. Maybe you have found your soul. Maybe you are searching for your soul. I use the word soul 840 times in my book. If you are a spiritual seeker, a truth seeker, or an atheist, it is my hope that my book will help you on your search for your soul. Sun sculpture by Kubota Takeharu No one becomes who they are overnight. It takes many days of suggestive teachings for our ego to determine what we will believe. After years of listening to others thoughts and views we become firm in our beliefs as a human being. We feel righteous when we are right and think that others are wrong. We look down our nose at those who would dare to challenge the way we think.
To stand firmly in one's beliefs is to use the free will we've each been given. We use this free will to be able to make the astronomical amount of decisions we have to make in our lifetime. As we can see in our world today, free will can be used to benefit the human species or it can be used to destroy us. Imagine what the possibilities are that await us when we decide to listen to our own soul instead of listening to what other broken human beings believe? When you have "coincidences" in your life, it means that an opportunity has presented itself to you that gives you a millisecond glimpse of your soul. It's a moment to accept that there are no coincidences and everything happens exactly as it is supposed to happen. Good and bad. Free will, not God, has caused the mayhem we see all around us. Generations and generations of poor decision making by the egos of the human species has brought us to this moment. The good news is that our souls have the ability to turn this around. We have to trust that there are no coincidences. We have to believe in a higher power. We have to find our soul. We have to not quit on each other. We have to DO IT. Now. The wolf symbolizes humility in the seven teachings of the Indigenous culture. Without having been given a spirit animal, I do feel that the wolf is mine. It's the one I have felt drawn to all my life. My pets have always been dogs.
Humility: a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness. I am sure there are some who would argue that I am not humble and equally there are some who do see me as humble. Like the wolf, I am uninterested in what people's thoughts are of me. I am just being me. We are coming into a time in our evolution as humans where we need to be less concerned about what others are doing, and more concerned with our own soul's whereabouts. When one hasn't yet located their soul, they will look outwards for a found soul to disparage. They show their own soul's struggle to be found when they do that. No one who has found their soul will every knowingly hurt another soul. I am humble and I am meek and answerable only to my higher power. When I get it right He lets me know. When I get it wrong He lets me know. That is the only judgement that matters to me. It's the only judgement that should matter to all souls. There is humility in understanding your purpose. This may come off as arrogance, but only to those who think their soul is more important than other souls. All souls are equal. By the way, the other six teachings are: Bear - Courage Eagle - Love Beaver - Wisdom Turtle - Truth Sabe - Honesty Buffalo - Respect We should all strive to do these teachings on our journey to finding our soul. My work ethic is superb. I received a watch from one of my places of employment for going an entire year without missing a day of work. That same energy is given to my personal life. I give it all no matter what I am doing. Knowing that about myself, I can understand why there were times that an unasked for pause was needed.
I've been given three such pauses over my 55 years. All three can be traced back to my unwillingness to listen to my soul when I knew I should have listened. All three ended up with me receiving an unwelcomed opportunity to pause and listen. I had chosen to ignore the whisper, the tap on the shoulder, and the two by four over the head. When this happens there is no alternative than to have your higher power give you the KO punch as a last ditch effort to knock some sense into you. It was during these pauses that I was able to reflect on my life, not in a woe is me sort of way, but in awe that I was worthy of the effort being given to me to gain the understanding that I needed. As I move into this next phase of my life's journey, I can lovingly reflect on all the intricacies that had to happen exactly as they did for my now to be taking place. For being a loyal and willing soul (the majority of the time) I will be able to live out my last 30 years or so fulfilling my purpose. That sounds like a lot of time, but it is not at all a lot of time. I feel blessed to be able to round out my life with a depth of peace that can only happen when you have listened to your soul. I encourage everyone to take a pause, or use the pause(s) you were given, to understand your soul's purpose here. We think time is on our side to figure that out, but it is not. Pause. Listen. What does this picture look like to you?
It's a very meaningful picture to me. One day I came home and found it shredded on my living room floor. My puppy at the time had knocked it onto the floor and proceeded to rip it up. I sadly gathered up all the pieces and put them away in a file folder with the intent to paste it back together as best as I could. Some time passed and one day I decided I needed to do a puzzle so I opted to reassemble this picture. Imagine my shock and awe when I was able to put it all back together with one very small piece missing that actually looks like it was meant to be there. The picture was taken by someone of snow melting on a mountain. However, if you look closely enough you will see something else. In life, nothing is at it appears to be. We are lulled into thinking that "this" is all there is. It isn't. My calling was made clear to me at the very young age of six years old. I held on dearly to my faith that my time "here" was going to bring an understanding to the world in which I'd be living in 50 years later. "The Sun Neither Rises nor Sets" will accomplish that for me. A book written to help people to find their souls and the reason why that needs to happen now. |
January 2025