This is me around eight years old. I'm showing a happy smiley face because I received the doll that I really really wanted. She poops when you feed her! Also, I loved to wear jewellery that made me feel rich and famous!
What you can't see is the eight years of family dysfunction, abandonment, and the 1970's foster care system's wear and tear on a little girl. The mental, physical, and sexual abuse I endured made moments like this one somehow "easier" to take. It was a long road of self reflecting for me to get to a place of forgiveness for the harm that was done to me. My aha moment was that broken people break people; hurt people hurt people. What I had to do in my life was to never be either of those people. I've lived my entire life with pure intentions. This means that I try my absolute best to never intentionally bring harm to another person's soul. Am I perfect at it? No, because imperfect people will never be perfect. But I try everyday to be the best imperfect person that I can. At this juncture in my life (age 55) I have to wonder if my eight year old self would be proud of how far we've come. And on the flip side I wonder if my eighty year old self will be proud of how I chose to live my life. I can say whole-heartedly that my eight year old self is amazed by me. I'm hopeful that my eighty year old self will feel the same when I get there. <3
Trusting your intuitive self isn't necessarily knowing right from wrong. It's goes deeper than that.
Being intuitive means that you are prepared to feel what you know to be the truth about any given situation. This isn't always easy to do when you have other imperfect beings talking into both your ears telling you what they think is the truth. Intuitiveness is being able to rise above the noise and discern on what is right for you. Not what is right for everyone around you, but what is right for you. The cost to doing what is right for you is that you may tick off some people, but they'll get over it in time. That is not your concern. The second part of intuitiveness is understanding that affirmation for the decisions you make will come in the way of signs. For me this has been dimes, feathers, an unusual pebble, an unexpected loud sound, "the" song that comes on the radio the second I get in the car, an urgent feeling when my thoughts are on the right decision, All of this takes practice to be able to know what is correct and what is whimsy. The third thing that happens when I've followed my intuition is a feeling of peace. There is no second guessing yourself when you know you've made the right decision. This means you have done the right thing with pure intentions. And lastly, and most importantly, never allow anyone to make your decisions for you. If you have to go to someone to get them to make a decision for you, you are not ready. I have learned that having someone weigh in means you want someone to blame should the decision be the wrong one. All decisions in life must be something you are prepared to be accountable for. If you aren't prepared to be accountable, you are inviting unwanted karma. Everyone is intuitive. Everyone has the ability to do what is right for themselves. Everyone has the right to have peace in their soul. I encourage you to use your intuitiveness the next time you are faced with a decision or choice that only you have the power to discern on. <3 I love watching home reno shows. Mostly because I own a house that was built in 1946 and I like to feel inspired with unique ways to modernize it.
It has occurred to me that renovating a space is very similar to renovating one's soul after decades of wear and tear. My soul was built on January 3rd, 1968. The 70's decade was the roughest for my soul. The 80's decade was sullen and insecurity for my soul. The 90's decade was desperation and longing for my soul. The 2000's decade was demolition time for my soul. The 2010's decade was designing a new floor plan for my soul. The 2020's decade...well, I'm still working on that, but its looking beautiful so far! I woke up to this quote rolling around in my head this morning: I'd rather live my life like there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than to live my life like there isn't a God to die and find out that there is. Our time on this earth is short. We shouldn't spend it trying to convince anyone how they should or should not decorate their soul. You should spend your time renovating the soul you have for your own comfort and pleasure, because you are the only one who will ever get to enjoy it anyway. <3 Yesterday at around 5:00 p.m. I heard a boom sound and then the power in my house went out. We were not having a storm of any kind.
First things first, check around outside and make sure there are no downed hydro lines that may cause more issues. None. Check the website of the power company to find that they posted an unexpected outage for several blocks that had an approximate time of 8:30 p.m. to be repaired. Thankfully it is spring and there will be natural light until then. I put extra ice packs in my fridge to make sure the food remains chilled. I had already eaten supper so no further thought needed about that. Time to enjoy the beautiful sound of silence. There was a time in my life that being alone with my own thoughts made me feel anxious. I could never put my finger on exactly why there was apprehension. I felt like I'd effectively managed anything a textbook would consider to be trauma related. What came clear to me when I started to visit my mind was the uncovering of the truth that I am the watcher of the activities of my mind. With more digging I realized that I have the ability to control the thoughts in my mind. After that came the ability to be free of the thoughts in my mind and enjoy peace and love that cannot be found in the physical world. Coming to that moment isn't an overnight process. The ego isn't going to go quietly. The beginning step is to accept that there is no past, there is no future, there is only ever this moment right now. When this is understood its a journey of reconciliation with one's soul about what is real and what is not real. Then comes the permission from your true self to just be. You will know you have successfully found your soul when you eagerly look forward to the beautiful sound of silence so you can just be. Wherever you are on your journey to finding your soul, I wish you nothing but awe and wonderment as you finally come to understand that "right thought is mastery". <3 I am that old that I can remember letting our dog outside to roam the streets of the city and return when he was ready to come home. Anyone else? That was also around the same time that kids left the house on a Saturday morning and returned home when the street lights came on.
The assumption in both incidences was that the dogs and the kids would be just fine out in the big world on their own. They were presumed safe. What happened? We happened. Anything that you might praise or begrudge today is here because the collective we brought it here. Whether that be material or immaterial things. It amuses me greatly when I hear people pin the blame for our hurtful mayhem on God (Creator, Universe, Higher Power). It also amuses me greatly when I hear people praise God for the things that are right about our mayhem. Depending on which way you choose, you believe that God is mean, or you believe that He is nice. God can be both of those things to assure our collective karma is kept in balance...good or bad. He's willing to take the positive and negative jabs that come from us imperfect beings as we try to figure ourselves out. Free will has determined, and will continue to determine, our faith or our lack of faith in one another. The energy that is given to doing good will be seen in the world and the energy given to doing bad will also be seen in the world. When you do good, you get good; when you do bad; you get bad. Here's where it gets interesting. Each generation has to drag unfulfilled karma along, whether that be good or bad karma. What you see happening today is both, carryover karma, and newly created karma. That's why good things can happen to bad people and bad things can happen to good people. Not only do you have to contend with the karma you are creating, you are also receiving good or bad karma created by someone from the "past". A bit of a mind twister, right? So, when you hear people talking about the good old days when times were simpler, they are referring to a time of higher positive karma with lower negative karma. A time when kids were okay to be out and about without parental supervision. Why? Because people looked out for one another. They were creating good karma. We don't do that much anymore, because we have come to fear one another which is creating bad karma. There is no going back to the good old days. There is only now. If we want future generations to understand the "good old days", we have to start now to reconnect with our soul. Find your soul. Understand its purpose. Then help other people to find their soul so they can understand its purpose. Collectively, we can have the peace we desire, but it all comes down to how you choose to use the energy that comes with free will. <3 You would of had the ideal upbringing if you felt this kind of freedom early on in life. It would have taken some pretty strong people to be able to give you the emotional support that is required to understand the deeper side of yourself.
I would have to say though that the vast majority of us were raised by people who were broken in some capacity and unconsciously passed that along to us. Not saying it was right, just that it's a reality felt by most. The question becomes, at what point do you take responsibility and accountability for your life? For me, the shift occurred when I realized that we are all imperfect beings grappling with what other imperfect beings gave us to grapple with. It was in that moment that I knew I had to assume "control" over my life. Not at all an easy process. Firstly, I had to learn what I can control and what I can't control. THAT was gruelling! Secondly, I had to learn to trust what I can control and what I can't control. Thirdly, I had to live my life with pure intentions to avoid karma's backlash. Fourthly, I had to get ready to fulfill my life's purpose and all that comes with doing so. Finally, I got freedom because I realized that finding my soul is the only thing that mattered this whole time. I wish you nothing but love and peace as you embark on your own soul searching journey. You will not regret taking on the task, I promise. <3 The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh. It is valued at $100 million. He painted it in June 1889 from his asylum room at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, just before sunrise, with the addition of an imaginary village.
Van Gogh's diagnosis's all suggest that he suffered various mental health disorders. One would gather from this info that he used his talent to escape from the fears that come with not understanding the depths of his own mind. Anyone who has lost control of their mind can understand van Gogh's journey toward "madness". It is very frightening when your mind does something out of the norm of which you are accustomed to it doing. The unknown makes us fearful and we ignore the obvious signs that something isn't "right" or is "right". We ignore the power of our mind so as to not appear abnormal. We are conditioned to conform so that we don't go rouge and inform. By this I mean that, each of us has the ability to be the master of our mind. Grasping this concept makes people uncomfortable because it requires the necessity of self-evaluating which leads to accepting truths about oneself. Not everyone is prepared to do that. This quote sums it up and is fact: "There will come a time when you will lose everything, including your mind. Once you've lost your mind, you'll be left with nothing but your soul - that is when you'll know you are invincible". Go rogue! Seek your soul. Be invincible! <3 This is easier said than done. It's actually pretty lofty advise to give anyone who isn't ready to take accountability for their life's journey.
Through no fault of your own, or through a fault of your own, you formed an opinion about yourself that has become a way of life. It was said or done, so therefore it must be. The beauty of life is that you have the power to undo whatever doesn't fit with who you know you are supposed to be. It has nothing to do with "what" you are supposed to be, but everything to do with who you are supposed to be. A huge difference there. How you make your living is not who you are. How you present yourself to the world is not necessarily who you are. How you look at yourself in the mirror each day IS who you are. Denying it, faking it, hating it won't change what you see there. It's not the body image that you refute. It's the eyes looking back at you that you give the lie to. If you tell the image in the mirror all the things you don't like about it, you are lying. If you tell the image in the mirror all the things you love about it, you are telling the truth. The one lying is your ego, the one telling the truth is your soul. Profound, right? Your ego or your soul are what forms your mindset. When you can understand that there are two options for how you can proceed with your day you are able to move forward with a mindset. Do you want to hear the lies, or do you want to hear the truth about yourself? That's where the work begins for you to find out who you are. Truth or lies, either way you are accountable for how you trust either of them. <3 I've always prided myself on my "work ethic". When I have a task to do I am laser focused, give it everything I got, and don't stop until the task is completed. Admirable, right? No, not really.
When a commitment is made to give your everything to something external you have a tendency to make the important things come second, including your soul. When you ignore your soul you will feel all the burdens (chaos) placed upon you by a society that promotes the stroking of egos. Having the responsibility to impress egos that don't value your soul will only ever lead to an unfulfilled feeling. I had my clarity about my value to the external world when I heard this said: "If you die a sudden death, your employer will have a wanted ad in the paper the next day". When I pondered that, it shook me to my core. We are all expendable in the material world. Giving too much of our self to that world leaves gaps where it is really important...your spiritual world where your soul is. After absorbing the true meaning of my value to others I decided to calm my ego down and focus on the search for my soul. It's not an easy journey to finding your soul, but the outcomes of doing so are worth it. I highly recommend that anyone seeking profound wisdom about souls reads "As A Man Thinketh" written in 1903 by James Allen. This paragraph never ceases to touch my soul each time I read it: "Tempest-tossed souls, wherever ye may be, under whatsoever conditions ye may live, know this - in the ocean of life the Isle of Blessedness are smiling, and the sunny shore of your Ideal awaits your coming. Keep your hand firmly upon the helm of thought. In the bark of your soul reclines the commanding Master; He does but sleep; wake him. Self-control is strength; Right Thought is mastery; Calmness is power. Say unto your heart, “Peace be still!” Happy soul-searching! Go ahead and start now, because now is all there will ever be. <3 Free will. First thought, "do as I want to do, not what I'm told to do". My questions for you: Told by whom? Your family, your friends, your employer, your whom are you referring? God? Creator? Universe? Higher Power?
We are a society of categories and compliance. Once you are categorized it becomes your "duty" to comply with the rules of your category without defiance. High class, middle class, lower class, which category are you in? All three classes have rules that were designed by imperfect humans who believed that free will could be controlled. And it almost worked. There is a shift happening in the world today. Some call it an awakening. I call it truth. The truth is that you can use your free will to do better and to be a better human than what you may have originally been taught. Your ability to do this is limitless. Fifty five years I have lived on this earth and understood early on that I had a purpose to fulfill. It's the same purpose we are all here to fulfill. Use your free will to find your soul and then help other's to find theirs. I'm thinking that the reason that "The Sun Neither Rises nor Sets" is coming into the world today is because I am ready for it to happen. When I wrote it at age thirty six I was not ready, but I took the profoundness of what I wrote as a sign to "get ready". When you're ready, God is ready. I am looking forward to sharing with anyone, who is willing, the knowledge you have at your fingertips to use your free will for what it was intended for. <3 |