In my book "The Sun Neither Rises nor Sets" I give the reader much to think about when it comes to their relationship (or lack of relationship) with their higher power. I say God. You can say whatever description helps you believe in something bigger than yourself.
I am officially working on book two now, while book one waits for Kirkus' review. Book two will consist of rhymes that didn't make it into book one and will also speak to my experiences on how to find one's soul. There is no cookie cutter process for seeking and finding one's soul. The reason is simple: we all have our own personal story that will never match someone else's. All I can do is give you the inspiration you need to trust yourself enough to do the work required to meet and keep your soul. What I know for sure is this: how we live today was pre-determined by other broken humans. They may have had intelligence greater than others, but they were still a human being prone to error. How we live our life day to day is based on years and years of teachings that haven't always changed with the flow of time. For instance. The sun does not rise or set. That is a fact. The earth is the one moving and rises and sets to the sun, not the other way around. So why don't we say earth rise and earth set now that we know the truth? There are many things like this that contradict the teachings from time's passed. Yet, we keep teaching them instead of teaching the truth. This is where soul searching comes into the equation. You've been taught a lot of things over your lifetime, but how much of it is truth and how much of it is someone else's interpretation that you've accepted as truth? Fear keeps us from exploring our self to uncover the truth. Who would we be if we discovered that our reality was actually someone else's? You'd be free to meet your soul which holds the truths that you've always wanted to know. Go ahead and think about it. Hmmm... <3
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January 2025