My book "The Sun Neither Rises nor Sets" talks a lot about free will and the many opportunities we get in life to be able to hear our soul's whisper. Not just hear it, but listen to it. Not just listen to it, but to do what it knows is the right decision.
We've all come up to that just turned red light and have been faced with making a split second decision to stop or speed up to avoid sitting at the red light. You are given choice A or choice B. We've all been in line at the grocery store feeling awkwardly impatient because the embarrassed person ahead of us can't get their banking card to work. You are given choice A or choice B. We've all been in a workplace where we gossip about others without regard for the feelings of the person we are hurting with our words. You are given choice A or choice B. These are just a few examples of very minor choices we are presented with each day. ALL choices in life are presented with only an A or a B decision for how you are to manage the situation. A. Do the right thing = Your soul is guiding you. B. Do the wrong thing = Your ego is guiding you. Free will guided by ego allows us to run the red and cause an accident. Free will guided by ego allows us to make the stranger at the check out feel bad about themselves. Free will guided by ego allows us to believe that our gossiping is okay if the target doesn't know we did it. Free will guided by our soul allows us to stop at the red to avoid an accident. Free will guided by our soul allows us to give a smile to the stranger at the check out and say "no worries, we've all had this happen". Free will guided by our soul allows us to tell the person who is gossiping that you aren't interested in causing hurt to others. Your soul is saved when you do all things with pure intentions. Not half-hearted pure intentions, but genuine pure intentions. This means that you do not purposely or purposefully hurt another soul by your actions. Choice B made by ego doesn't care about the ripple effects of their negativity and how it affects them, those they love, those that love those that they love, and so on and so on. You save your soul when showing love to another soul is the only option you give yourself. When you have found your soul, you will want to protect it. When you have found your soul, it will become important for you to help others to find theirs. This is done by selecting choice A. Always select choice A.
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January 2025