We've all had that moment of pressing too hard with our crayon and hearing the snap that was followed by a sense of annoyance. We'd pull the broken piece off and toss it aside and use the nub that was left to finish our artwork. Eventually someone would replace our crayons with new ones and the broken pieces we no longer used were tossed out because they were beneath the standards of a usable crayon.
Aren't we all a crayon in some way? All of us so pretty and sharp in our brand new box, some boxes even had a sharpener included! When the lid was popped opened we never disappointed with our smell of fresh wax. We stood regally waiting to be the first picked for the coloring picture that was chosen carefully with us in mind. Some crayons are really popular: red, green, and blue. Some are not overly popular: white and gray. Regardless though, all crayons are used at one time or another to make a coloring picture complete. When I think back over my fifty-five years I can see the times that I "snapped" and was considered by myself, and by others, to no longer be useful. How often I viewed my nub of a soul as not worthy to be alongside the "still one piece" souls. If only I knew then that - broken crayons can still color - I would have saved myself from believing lies about my soul's purpose. Everyone has a purpose. Of all the centillions of sperm in the world that didn't get to meet an egg, you got too! That in itself is a miracle when you stop and think about it. Your soul is here for a reason. A big reason, a small reason, it doesn't really matter which one, it only matters that you realize that your soul is here on purpose. Your soul is your coloring picture and you need to use every crayon at your disposal to make it what it is meant to be. You are to use every crayon regardless of its brokenness to finish your picture. In the end when all is said and done, you should have zero crayons left in the box. Use them all. Use them often. Make decorating your soul the most beautiful thing that you will every accomplish in your lifetime. <3
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January 2025