One of my biggest life changing moments happened when I realized that I was aware that I was aware. Until that moment I knew I was aware, I just wasn’t aware that I was aware that I was aware! Yes, it’s that complicated. Earning wisdom doesn’t come easily.
It can be challenging to attain the knowledge that we all crave about our existence. Some prefer to never know and some recognize the necessity to know. I’ve personally been one who wanted to know. Knowing doesn’t give you a free ride through life. No one gets out of here unscathed. What it does is allow you to enjoy being in the now. It allows you to recognize that there is no past, there is no future, there is only ever now..,this moment. That’s all there’ll ever be. Life gets a whole lot simpler when this is understood. <3 For pretty much my entire life I’ve felt like an outsider. I’ve never really fit in anywhere. It did bother me in my younger days, but today I’m grateful to not have fit in.
Fitting in means conformity. It means putting your values in second place in order to appease the masses. At a very young age I knew better than to listen to people who did not have my best interests at heart. Was I perfect at it, no, but I knew to be real while everyone else fell for the latest fad or flavour of the month. You know from birth who you are meant to be. Your challenge in life is to not get swayed from your purpose. It’s not an easy task to be true to oneself in a world where phoney is getting harder to detect. It’s okay to be the standout in the crowd. You’ll thank yourself for it later in life. <3 It’s a real challenge to remain positive when there only seems to be negativity everywhere you turn. People complaining. The media seems to be 90% unhappiness. This all begins to take its toll and we start to become cynical beings. We harden ourselves so that we can protect what little positivity we have left. That’s no way to live.
I’ve opted out of watching the news. I don’t engage in social media drama. I refuse to get entangled into the toxicity that gossip generates. I surround myself with people who are positive thinkers like me. More importantly than anything, I keep self-respect as my number one value. Because I don’t have to carry around drama that doesn’t belong to me, I get to live in freedom. I get to live in the now. I get to live my life as I want to live my life with a clear heart and open mind. <3 Our species makes life way more complicated than we need to. We aren’t meant to shoulder stuff that isn’t meant for us. By forcing one another to take on unnecessary burdens, we impede each other’s quality of life.
This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t have care and concern for one another. What I am saying is that by giving more of yourself to others than you give to yourself will leave you with little space for your life’s fulfillment. Let go of anything you carry in your mind or heart that doesn’t belong to you. Heal what does belong to you. Move on living the life you were meant to live without regrets. <3 The only place that negativity can thrive is in your mind. It remains there because you allow it to remain there. It will leave there when you allow it to leave there.
Holding on to negative thoughts and feelings only hurts yourself. No one knows or truly cares about how you’re feeling. They are too involved with their own thoughts and feelings. This is the truth. So your best bet in life is to free yourself of mind stuff that doesn’t belong to you. Heal the mind stuff that does belong to you. And move on into the freedom of just being. <3 We all have our three foot comfort zone surrounding us. How you position people inside and outside that circle is extremely important.
Inside my circle are three people who I trust emphatically. Two friends and one family member. Everyone else in my life remains outside my circle in no particular order. They haven’t earned a space inside my circle. Alongside my three kindred spirits is me. I trust myself more than I trust them. It has to be that way. If you can’t trust yourself, you will give that power away to others and nothing good ever comes from that. If your inside circle doesn’t want the best for you, remove them and replace them with someone who does. <3 We’ve all made the mistake of judging a person by their exterior. I would hazard a guess that your judgment was wrong all of the time. The reason you are wrong is because you haven’t a hot clue what is going on in that person’s life at any given time.
Everyone has a story to tell. No two stories will ever be the same, because the peaks and valleys of life are different for each of us. No one gets out of here unscathed. That person you see panhandling on the street was once a highly regarded musician. You see a nuisance and the people who love the panhandler still hear his music in their heart’s. Be kind to everyone. We deserve that from each other. <3 Just because it’s rattling around in your mind doesn’t make it truth. Obsessing over something in your mind does not make it reality. They are simply thoughts.
You have the power to change your mind anytime you want to. The only thing that binds you to a thought is you. When you become aware that you are the watcher of your thoughts, you will have grasped the truth about how fake thoughts can actually be. Unless and until a thing is physically happening for and to you, it is not real. There is no past. There is no future. There is only ever this moment that you are experiencing now. If your thoughts are anywhere but in the now, they can’t be true., because now is all you’ll ever have. <3 I was having a conversation the other day with someone about how each generation views self-discipline. Of course each generation will think their way was the best way and will find fault with the rest.
Whatever the case may be, I believe that self-control is a necessary trait regardless of when you were born. Being patient allows the necessary timing that is required for God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is, to give you the life you are meant to live. When you go messing where you shouldn’t be messing you delay what is supposed to be. Live in the now. Trust that everything is exactly the way it’s supposed to be…good or bad. The karmic balance must be kept. Be at peace with that. <3 |
January 2025