Because of my upbringing, I have a high threshold for pain. That’s not a badge of honour to wear because it means that I can tolerate more crap from others than I need to.
To be disciplined is to have self control. It’s the ability to deny oneself in order to avoid unnecessary pain later. It takes a lot to not cave to one’s desire, because it’s you holding you accountable. Who’s going to know, right? Funny thing is that based on what you show the world, it’s obvious if you have discipline or not. No is a small word with a mighty punch to it. Use it well and use it often to protect yourself. <3 Your past can only be found in your mind. It no longer exists outside yourself. Because this is the truth, you have no reason to look back. You have no reason to stumble over what no longer exists.
Alternatively your future also doesn’t exist except in your mind. Because this is the truth, you have no reason to make things up. You have no reason to trip over something that isn’t there. The easiest and least path of resistance is to stay in the now moment, because that is all there ever will be. And by remaining in the now you avoid obstacles that are fabricated in your mind. Just be, and enjoy your life from moment to moment. <3 Why do we value each other with a price tag? What makes any of us better than another? Turned inside out we all look the same. So turned right side in, what makes us better than someone else? There isn’t anything.
What we’ve done as a society is to elevate people based on a made up standard. If you don’t meet the made up standard, you are lowered until you use a rock as a pillow. It is odd behaviour by an “advanced” species to allow extreme poverty and extreme wealth. It shows that we are still in the primitive stage of our evolution to allow this to happen. I do hope that future generations will get it right. <3 There are so many things that you do in a day that you don’t even have to think about. Sometimes you do something and wonder how you did it without directly focusing on it. ie: the drive to or from work. When this happens you are unaware. You have allowed yourself to think about things that don’t exist on your drive to and from work.
Your destination doesn’t exist until you arrive there. The only thing that ever exists is the moment you are experiencing. Everything else is found only in your mind. It is nowhere else except in your mind as a memory. When you read the soft kitty words, it’s your memory in your mind that makes it exist. Everything exists in your mind because you put it there. Thusly, the only thing that ever exists is the present moment. <3 The mind is a fascinating thing! It comes with an Ego, a Soul, and an Unknown.
The ego will steer you wrong pretty much every time. The soul talks in whispers and gets drowned out by ego. Then you have the Uknown which is aware of the ego and soul, but is ignored the majority of the time. If you are aware that you are aware, than you are listening to the Unknown. You have accepted that you control next to nothing and you recognize that peace is in the Unknown. Everything happens on purpose, good and bad. The balance of your energy’s input and output must be kept in balance. You are energy. Do good, get good. Do bad, get bad. You are responsible for both outcomes. <3
January 2025