13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 18th, 2025 - Day 3 Week 7 Meditating does not require that you have a special place to meditate, unless you want to. Having a private spot that is only for you is a good way to ensure you meditate, but isn't necessary. The only thing that is important while meditating is that you have allocated some time to be "alone" with your thoughts. What's going on around you will not matter when you learn how to master your thoughts. Smell the flower; blow out the candle…do this five times in a row. When you completed the five breaths, what is the first thing you notice in your mind? If you notice thoughts flooding in, do the five breaths again. Keep repeating this until you feel a sense of relief. The relief you are seeking is that you have taught yourself that you are not the thoughts, but you are the breathing. The thoughts aren't necessary for your existence, but the breathing is. Your ability to become aware that you are aware is crucial to meditating. When you recognize that thoughts are fleeting, but breath is sustanance, you discover that you are what you focus on. If you focus on a whole pile of thoughts that aren't real you will create unnecessary fear. If you focus on your breathing you should notice that you can't have fear, because you have no other thoughts. When we meditate, we give ourself permission to just be. All that "stuff" that seems important falls away and its just you and you. Your body and your mind, that is it. Meditating is having an intimate relationship with yourself. You will grow to love yourself the more you meditate. You will want to protect yourself from anything that isn't in your best interest. You should not be as close to another being as you should be to yourself. The love you should have for yourself should be more than you have for another being. To know yourself in this way is the gateway to receiving all the things in life that you feel should be yours. Your love of self is the only way to understand your purpose for being here. |
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 17th, 2025 - Day 2 Week 7
If your understanding of meditation is to sustain a blank mind, you won't be meditating and you won't be in a peaceful state. For you to try and keep a blank mind means that your ego is active and challenging your soul.
Remember, you are the observer of your ego and soul. You are the one who can quieten them so that you can have a moment of peace. So, if you aren't wanting to listen to your ego or your soul, the question becomes what are you trying to hear / see?
For me, I am seeking affirmation that my understanding of self is on the right track. When I sit quietly with myself and feel peace, it is then that I know I am where I'm supposed to be. If I feel turmoil, I am being warned to stop and evaluate my choices.
Meditation allows me to be with my "thoughts". It allows me to decipher what is being driven by fear and what is for my own good. I am able to remove negative thoughts and replace them with my truths about my existence.
When you can "feel" like all is well in your world, that is when you are in full meditative state. You stop thinking and you start feeling emotions like gratitude and love. You are being your authentic self when you can sustain a feeling of peace.
Meditation is personal. No two people meditate the same way, but there is something that all of us can do that is important to meditating and that is to feel yourself breathing. At all points of time during meditation you need to breath.
In your notebook write down this phrase: "Smell the flower; blow out the candle". Now, do what you wrote down. Deep breath in to smell the flower and deep breath out to blow out the candle. Repeat often.
You should feel a sense of relief when you inhale and exhale on purpose. Breathing deeply and exhaling deeply should be done whether you are meditating or not. It reminds you that you are indeed in control of your being.
The next thing I do when I am meditating is I listen for my heart beat. When I can focus on my heart beating it means that thoughts can't exist. I become my heart beat.
Once you understand how your breath and heart beat play a role in meditating, it’s a short jump from there to being able to sit anywhere at anytime and "meditate".
February 17th, 2025 - Day 2 Week 7
If your understanding of meditation is to sustain a blank mind, you won't be meditating and you won't be in a peaceful state. For you to try and keep a blank mind means that your ego is active and challenging your soul.
Remember, you are the observer of your ego and soul. You are the one who can quieten them so that you can have a moment of peace. So, if you aren't wanting to listen to your ego or your soul, the question becomes what are you trying to hear / see?
For me, I am seeking affirmation that my understanding of self is on the right track. When I sit quietly with myself and feel peace, it is then that I know I am where I'm supposed to be. If I feel turmoil, I am being warned to stop and evaluate my choices.
Meditation allows me to be with my "thoughts". It allows me to decipher what is being driven by fear and what is for my own good. I am able to remove negative thoughts and replace them with my truths about my existence.
When you can "feel" like all is well in your world, that is when you are in full meditative state. You stop thinking and you start feeling emotions like gratitude and love. You are being your authentic self when you can sustain a feeling of peace.
Meditation is personal. No two people meditate the same way, but there is something that all of us can do that is important to meditating and that is to feel yourself breathing. At all points of time during meditation you need to breath.
In your notebook write down this phrase: "Smell the flower; blow out the candle". Now, do what you wrote down. Deep breath in to smell the flower and deep breath out to blow out the candle. Repeat often.
You should feel a sense of relief when you inhale and exhale on purpose. Breathing deeply and exhaling deeply should be done whether you are meditating or not. It reminds you that you are indeed in control of your being.
The next thing I do when I am meditating is I listen for my heart beat. When I can focus on my heart beating it means that thoughts can't exist. I become my heart beat.
Once you understand how your breath and heart beat play a role in meditating, it’s a short jump from there to being able to sit anywhere at anytime and "meditate".
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 16th, 2025 - Day 1 Week 7
To be able to meditate you will have had to come to the understanding that you are aware that you are aware of the thoughts in your mind. We learned that you can say "happiness" without using your mouth. Who said it? Who heard it?
Meditating, for me, isn't about trying to shush the thoughts, its about being aware of the thought. It's just a thought and nothing more than that, unless I want to make it more than that.
I've come to understand that meditating is two-fold. It's a way to zone out and the way to zone it. You get to determine what you want to exist and what you don't want to exist. Some call it prayer, I call it manifesting.
The difference between prayer and manifesting is that with prayer you are asking for something and with manifesting you are being the something. Prayer implies that you need permission while manifesting implies that you already have it.
For those who trust what is taught in the bible, in Mark 11:24 Jesus says: "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
For those who use manifesting it is understood that you have to "feel" like whatever you want is already yours and it will be so.
You can see that both of these practices are similar in that you have to believe that what you want is already yours.
But it actually goes deeper than that. What isn't openly taught with either of these ways of asking is that you have to feel worthy of what it is you are asking for. If you don't genuinely feel that you are worthy, than what you seek will remain elusive.
I use meditating to relax and I use it to manifest. I can meditate in a grocery line up. I can manifest while I'm in a traffic jam on the way home. A ceremony isn't needed when you meditate. All you need is your mind.
In your notebook write down what happens when you close your eyes and focus on your mind. What thoughts appear? What do you hear in your mind? What do you see in your mind?
February 16th, 2025 - Day 1 Week 7
To be able to meditate you will have had to come to the understanding that you are aware that you are aware of the thoughts in your mind. We learned that you can say "happiness" without using your mouth. Who said it? Who heard it?
Meditating, for me, isn't about trying to shush the thoughts, its about being aware of the thought. It's just a thought and nothing more than that, unless I want to make it more than that.
I've come to understand that meditating is two-fold. It's a way to zone out and the way to zone it. You get to determine what you want to exist and what you don't want to exist. Some call it prayer, I call it manifesting.
The difference between prayer and manifesting is that with prayer you are asking for something and with manifesting you are being the something. Prayer implies that you need permission while manifesting implies that you already have it.
For those who trust what is taught in the bible, in Mark 11:24 Jesus says: "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
For those who use manifesting it is understood that you have to "feel" like whatever you want is already yours and it will be so.
You can see that both of these practices are similar in that you have to believe that what you want is already yours.
But it actually goes deeper than that. What isn't openly taught with either of these ways of asking is that you have to feel worthy of what it is you are asking for. If you don't genuinely feel that you are worthy, than what you seek will remain elusive.
I use meditating to relax and I use it to manifest. I can meditate in a grocery line up. I can manifest while I'm in a traffic jam on the way home. A ceremony isn't needed when you meditate. All you need is your mind.
In your notebook write down what happens when you close your eyes and focus on your mind. What thoughts appear? What do you hear in your mind? What do you see in your mind?
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 15th, 2025 - Day 7 Week 6
There have been plenty of times on my personal journey of self discovery where I had to question my own sanity. How is it that I had this knowledge, but the majority of other beings didn't? Maybe they had it right, and I was wrong.
Then it occurs to me that I'm not alone. There are plenty of other beings who have grasped the deeper meaning of life so there has to be something to this desire to find out the truth.
1. When we sleep we are at our most vulnerable because we cease to exist.
2. The ego takes over the moment you awaken and return to your existence. Your ego's job is to ensure that you don't question your existence.
3. "They" are designed to make you think that your existence is answerable to another being. You aren't answerable to another being but you are made to believe that you are answerable to a system designed by other beings.
4. If something you once had is no longer in your existence because you gave it away, then the only thing that can ever exist is what is in your line of sight.
5. Fear is the only thing that keeps us from questioning our existence. However, that fear is man made and designed to keep you from understanding the truth about all of our existence.
6. There is no past; there is no future; there is only ever now, this moment, that is it. Figuring this out will make your existence a whole lot more peaceful.
Week seven will delve into meditation and the important role it plays in being at peace with oneself. I didn't want to meditate at first because I didn't want to deal with what was "rattling" around in my mind.
When I learned that fear exists only in my mind, it became a whole lot easier to quiet the external stuff that had no relevance to my now existence. I was able to manage the scenarios that didn't exist…except in my mind.
February 15th, 2025 - Day 7 Week 6
There have been plenty of times on my personal journey of self discovery where I had to question my own sanity. How is it that I had this knowledge, but the majority of other beings didn't? Maybe they had it right, and I was wrong.
Then it occurs to me that I'm not alone. There are plenty of other beings who have grasped the deeper meaning of life so there has to be something to this desire to find out the truth.
1. When we sleep we are at our most vulnerable because we cease to exist.
2. The ego takes over the moment you awaken and return to your existence. Your ego's job is to ensure that you don't question your existence.
3. "They" are designed to make you think that your existence is answerable to another being. You aren't answerable to another being but you are made to believe that you are answerable to a system designed by other beings.
4. If something you once had is no longer in your existence because you gave it away, then the only thing that can ever exist is what is in your line of sight.
5. Fear is the only thing that keeps us from questioning our existence. However, that fear is man made and designed to keep you from understanding the truth about all of our existence.
6. There is no past; there is no future; there is only ever now, this moment, that is it. Figuring this out will make your existence a whole lot more peaceful.
Week seven will delve into meditation and the important role it plays in being at peace with oneself. I didn't want to meditate at first because I didn't want to deal with what was "rattling" around in my mind.
When I learned that fear exists only in my mind, it became a whole lot easier to quiet the external stuff that had no relevance to my now existence. I was able to manage the scenarios that didn't exist…except in my mind.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 14th, 2025 - Day 6 Week 6
I've read many a book that I thought would provide me with a deeper understanding of what I inherently knew my whole life, but couldn't put into my own words. Then I discovered the author - Eckhart Tolle.
Reading two of his books changed my life and finally gave me the aha moments I had been seeking. (When the student is ready, the teacher will come.)
"A New Earth" and the "The Power of Now" made me realize that the feeling of being "different" that I had been experiencing my whole life was also how other beings were feeling too. I wasn't the only one!
During week six of discovering yourself, we've talked about existing. It's a tough one for people to wrap their head around because we want to use logic to explain something that can't be easily explained.
Eckhart teaches that "there is no past, there is no future, there is only ever this moment". He teaches us that we do not exist except in the present moment and that the now is all you will ever have.
Fear wants us to believe that we are meant to be "bigger" than the present moment. Our ego wants us to believe that we are more relevant to the past and future than we are to the present moment.
And because of these two conspiring, you miss out on the most beautiful part of your existence…the now. The now is the only thing that exists. There is no past and there is no future.
I've asked people to take me to the place where they can show me their past and their future, and of course it is impossible to do that because both can only be found in their mind and no where else.
Regardless of what your logic mind wants you to believe about what is going on outside your line of sight, the only "time" you will ever experience is the now. That is all there ever will be.
In your notebook, write down the physical location of where your past and your future are kept. Your page should be blank. They don't exist anywhere except in your mind.
When you truly understand that there is no past, there is no future, there is only ever this moment right now, you will have discovered that your existence will only ever be now, this moment. Accepting this should make "being" a whole lot easier.
February 14th, 2025 - Day 6 Week 6
I've read many a book that I thought would provide me with a deeper understanding of what I inherently knew my whole life, but couldn't put into my own words. Then I discovered the author - Eckhart Tolle.
Reading two of his books changed my life and finally gave me the aha moments I had been seeking. (When the student is ready, the teacher will come.)
"A New Earth" and the "The Power of Now" made me realize that the feeling of being "different" that I had been experiencing my whole life was also how other beings were feeling too. I wasn't the only one!
During week six of discovering yourself, we've talked about existing. It's a tough one for people to wrap their head around because we want to use logic to explain something that can't be easily explained.
Eckhart teaches that "there is no past, there is no future, there is only ever this moment". He teaches us that we do not exist except in the present moment and that the now is all you will ever have.
Fear wants us to believe that we are meant to be "bigger" than the present moment. Our ego wants us to believe that we are more relevant to the past and future than we are to the present moment.
And because of these two conspiring, you miss out on the most beautiful part of your existence…the now. The now is the only thing that exists. There is no past and there is no future.
I've asked people to take me to the place where they can show me their past and their future, and of course it is impossible to do that because both can only be found in their mind and no where else.
Regardless of what your logic mind wants you to believe about what is going on outside your line of sight, the only "time" you will ever experience is the now. That is all there ever will be.
In your notebook, write down the physical location of where your past and your future are kept. Your page should be blank. They don't exist anywhere except in your mind.
When you truly understand that there is no past, there is no future, there is only ever this moment right now, you will have discovered that your existence will only ever be now, this moment. Accepting this should make "being" a whole lot easier.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 13th, 2025 - Day 5 Week 6
On my own personal journey, understanding what existence meant was by far the hardest part. My ego fought tooth and nail to keep me from realizing that I didn't actually have to listen to it.
I appreciate the job of the ego. Its purpose is to "protect" you from yourself. Its objective is to keep you distracted enough that you don't see the truth. It ensures that you remain focused on the carrot dangling just out of reach.
In that regard we distrust anything that wasn't taught to us in school, or by a trusted adult, or for some, what religion teaches. We've been given just the right amount of fear to remain status quo.
But, as I keep sharing with you…fear is an illusion. The only place that fear can exist is in your mind. It exists only because you want it to exist. You can end fear any time you want to.
Fear of judgment from other beings is the biggest hang up that we carry around with us. In your notebook write down all the names of other beings who you fear will judge you. Rank them from the one you fear the most to the least.
Did you make sure that your name was on there too? If you did, were you ranked as the number one being that you fear will judge you? To be honest, how you view yourself is the only thing that will ever matter in your lifetime.
Your existence, and what you do with it, is your purpose for being here. Being rich, or famous, or better than anyone else isn't your purpose. Being the best version of yourself is.
If everything you "owned" vanished into thin air today, what would remain? Would you feel worthy to continue on with life, or did your worth vanish with everything else?
To build your house of cards on a foundation as shaky as ego can only ever result in a collapse of the cards. Ego is much too fragile to hold the house of cards up.
In your notebook make a list of things that are crucial to your existence and also a list of things that are not crucial to your existence. My hope is that your crucial list has you listed as number one.
February 13th, 2025 - Day 5 Week 6
On my own personal journey, understanding what existence meant was by far the hardest part. My ego fought tooth and nail to keep me from realizing that I didn't actually have to listen to it.
I appreciate the job of the ego. Its purpose is to "protect" you from yourself. Its objective is to keep you distracted enough that you don't see the truth. It ensures that you remain focused on the carrot dangling just out of reach.
In that regard we distrust anything that wasn't taught to us in school, or by a trusted adult, or for some, what religion teaches. We've been given just the right amount of fear to remain status quo.
But, as I keep sharing with you…fear is an illusion. The only place that fear can exist is in your mind. It exists only because you want it to exist. You can end fear any time you want to.
Fear of judgment from other beings is the biggest hang up that we carry around with us. In your notebook write down all the names of other beings who you fear will judge you. Rank them from the one you fear the most to the least.
Did you make sure that your name was on there too? If you did, were you ranked as the number one being that you fear will judge you? To be honest, how you view yourself is the only thing that will ever matter in your lifetime.
Your existence, and what you do with it, is your purpose for being here. Being rich, or famous, or better than anyone else isn't your purpose. Being the best version of yourself is.
If everything you "owned" vanished into thin air today, what would remain? Would you feel worthy to continue on with life, or did your worth vanish with everything else?
To build your house of cards on a foundation as shaky as ego can only ever result in a collapse of the cards. Ego is much too fragile to hold the house of cards up.
In your notebook make a list of things that are crucial to your existence and also a list of things that are not crucial to your existence. My hope is that your crucial list has you listed as number one.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 12th, 2025 - Day 4 Week 6
An extremely important part of the journey to discovering oneself is an understanding of how fragile one's existence can be. What was "for sure" in one moment can be changed in the next moment…good or bad. Nothing is guaranteed.
The tangible things that you keep around yourself will remain that way for as long as you feel their existence serves a purpose. Your job, your vehicle, your clothing etc. can disappear in an instant if you want them to.
When you decide that something in your existence is no longer needed and you "get rid of it", where does it go? To a new owner? Why don't you get to know where your "existence" has ended up?
Is it because nothing exists until you want it to exist? Is it because you get to determine what can and cannot exist in your life at any given time?
As an example lets say you decide to sell your vehicle. Someone you don't know buys the vehicle and drives away with it. You go in your house with the cash you received from the sale of the vehicle. Awhile later you leave the house to do an errand and the vehicle isn't in the driveway. It no longer exists.
You then get into your other vehicle and head to the bank to deposit the cash you received from selling your other vehicle. As you pull into the parking lot, you see the vehicle you just sold in the same parking lot. It now exists.
After you leave the bank from depositing the cash into your account, the money no longer exists and the vehicle you sold is no longer in the parking lot and it too no longer exists. You search the parking lot and locate your actual vehicle that didn't exist until the second you located it.
What am I trying to prove with all this back and forth about existence? Well, I'm hoping you will grasp that nothing exists unless you want it to exist. You are the determinant of your reality.
In your notebook write about something that you once owned and either sold or gave away. It was a part of your existence at one time, right? Where is it and does it exist like it had existed for you? Most likely not.
In your notebook make a list of things that you can remember as being a part of your existence. Give yourself a moment to reflect on why they no longer are and where did they go if they are no longer with you.
February 12th, 2025 - Day 4 Week 6
An extremely important part of the journey to discovering oneself is an understanding of how fragile one's existence can be. What was "for sure" in one moment can be changed in the next moment…good or bad. Nothing is guaranteed.
The tangible things that you keep around yourself will remain that way for as long as you feel their existence serves a purpose. Your job, your vehicle, your clothing etc. can disappear in an instant if you want them to.
When you decide that something in your existence is no longer needed and you "get rid of it", where does it go? To a new owner? Why don't you get to know where your "existence" has ended up?
Is it because nothing exists until you want it to exist? Is it because you get to determine what can and cannot exist in your life at any given time?
As an example lets say you decide to sell your vehicle. Someone you don't know buys the vehicle and drives away with it. You go in your house with the cash you received from the sale of the vehicle. Awhile later you leave the house to do an errand and the vehicle isn't in the driveway. It no longer exists.
You then get into your other vehicle and head to the bank to deposit the cash you received from selling your other vehicle. As you pull into the parking lot, you see the vehicle you just sold in the same parking lot. It now exists.
After you leave the bank from depositing the cash into your account, the money no longer exists and the vehicle you sold is no longer in the parking lot and it too no longer exists. You search the parking lot and locate your actual vehicle that didn't exist until the second you located it.
What am I trying to prove with all this back and forth about existence? Well, I'm hoping you will grasp that nothing exists unless you want it to exist. You are the determinant of your reality.
In your notebook write about something that you once owned and either sold or gave away. It was a part of your existence at one time, right? Where is it and does it exist like it had existed for you? Most likely not.
In your notebook make a list of things that you can remember as being a part of your existence. Give yourself a moment to reflect on why they no longer are and where did they go if they are no longer with you.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 11th, 2025 - Day 3 Week 6
We aren't supposed remain in one existence for too long. Something has to happen continuously to change it whether we want it to or not. You might be the change or something outside of you might be the change.
For most, this unpredictability creates fear and anxiety because we realize that for the most part we aren't in control of very much on our journey. And the one thing that we can "control" is too complicated, or so we think.
Why is it that we find it daunting to focus on ourself? What has happened in your life that has helped you to determine that your worth is less than anyone else's? How come you seem "boring" compared to everyone else?
Apparently, there is a "they" out there in the world somewhere who supposedly "controls" us. "They" have some sort of ability to manage how eight billion people see themselves from day to day. Doesn't that sound ludicrous to you?
Who are these "they" with so much power, and if "they" are real, why don't "they" reveal themselves? The "they" that you concern yourself with only exists in one place and that is your mind. They are there because you were taught to have them there. Just like everyone else was taught the same thing by someone who was taught the same thing by someone who was taught the same thing and so on.
When you awaken is there anyone standing beside your bed waiting to tell you how to go about your day? Does this person follow you around all day telling you what you can and cannot do? There isn't, and if there is, you might want to assess why you are allowing this someone to do that.
If there is no one externally telling you how to go about your day, you need to ask yourself, who is telling you that? If you answered, yourself, you'd be correct! You get to decide what's right for you, not "them". Yes, you can.
That fear and anxiety that I mentioned earlier will rear its ugly head when you have the conversation with yourself that you have more "control" over your life than you were led to believe. You fear the truth. You fear having to change your mind.
In your notebook, write down your daily routine. What in your day is within your control and what is not within your control? Now, just for fun, write down a new routine. Did you need "they" "them" to tell you what it is supposed to be?
Your very existence isn't dependent on what others are doing in their existence. For a time we might exist in someone else's existence, and they for us, but inevitably we become nonexistent for another's existence to take place. Are you beginning to understand that nothing exists in your life unless you want it to and that the same applies to everyone else around you?
February 11th, 2025 - Day 3 Week 6
We aren't supposed remain in one existence for too long. Something has to happen continuously to change it whether we want it to or not. You might be the change or something outside of you might be the change.
For most, this unpredictability creates fear and anxiety because we realize that for the most part we aren't in control of very much on our journey. And the one thing that we can "control" is too complicated, or so we think.
Why is it that we find it daunting to focus on ourself? What has happened in your life that has helped you to determine that your worth is less than anyone else's? How come you seem "boring" compared to everyone else?
Apparently, there is a "they" out there in the world somewhere who supposedly "controls" us. "They" have some sort of ability to manage how eight billion people see themselves from day to day. Doesn't that sound ludicrous to you?
Who are these "they" with so much power, and if "they" are real, why don't "they" reveal themselves? The "they" that you concern yourself with only exists in one place and that is your mind. They are there because you were taught to have them there. Just like everyone else was taught the same thing by someone who was taught the same thing by someone who was taught the same thing and so on.
When you awaken is there anyone standing beside your bed waiting to tell you how to go about your day? Does this person follow you around all day telling you what you can and cannot do? There isn't, and if there is, you might want to assess why you are allowing this someone to do that.
If there is no one externally telling you how to go about your day, you need to ask yourself, who is telling you that? If you answered, yourself, you'd be correct! You get to decide what's right for you, not "them". Yes, you can.
That fear and anxiety that I mentioned earlier will rear its ugly head when you have the conversation with yourself that you have more "control" over your life than you were led to believe. You fear the truth. You fear having to change your mind.
In your notebook, write down your daily routine. What in your day is within your control and what is not within your control? Now, just for fun, write down a new routine. Did you need "they" "them" to tell you what it is supposed to be?
Your very existence isn't dependent on what others are doing in their existence. For a time we might exist in someone else's existence, and they for us, but inevitably we become nonexistent for another's existence to take place. Are you beginning to understand that nothing exists in your life unless you want it to and that the same applies to everyone else around you?
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 10th, 2025 - Day 2 Week 6
Our ego wants to ensure that our existence wasn't a complete waste of time so it tries to do everything it can to be relevant in some way. The bigger the better.
We get so busy building our façade that we forget the real reason that we are in existence. It's not to impress others, it is to impress oneself, and the thing is, self isn't interested in ego's shenanigans.
We learned early on in this series that when we don't use our mouth to say happiness, we can hear the word happiness. When you did this the next thing that should have occurred to you was, who is saying the word happiness and who is hearing the word happiness?
The word happiness came into your existence because you wanted it to be there. You are the observer of the word happiness that is said and heard. The word cannot exist without you wanting it to be there.
It's the same for all things that you are aware of. They are there because you want them to be there…good or bad. Yes, you are responsible for everything and anything that is in your existence. You brought it there.
Coming to this understanding in one's life isn't easy because we want to look for some external reason for why our life has gone the way it has. We don't want to accept that it's all on us and not on someone or something else.
Ego and soul are a constant. Both have a role to play in the understanding you accumulate for your existence. Ego roars and soul whispers. The one that resonates with you is an indication of your awareness of self.
In your notebook determine if your ego or your soul is predominate in your life. To help with this, look at who/what you identify with the most, whether they be real or invented.
If you're trying to build your façade based on what others are doing, your ego is running the show. If you are building your existence on what your soul is whispering, you most likely have peace in your life.
Our existence does not depend on what others are doing. Our existence can only transpire based on what we allow…good or bad. Yes, you have that much power over your reaction to your existence.
February 10th, 2025 - Day 2 Week 6
Our ego wants to ensure that our existence wasn't a complete waste of time so it tries to do everything it can to be relevant in some way. The bigger the better.
We get so busy building our façade that we forget the real reason that we are in existence. It's not to impress others, it is to impress oneself, and the thing is, self isn't interested in ego's shenanigans.
We learned early on in this series that when we don't use our mouth to say happiness, we can hear the word happiness. When you did this the next thing that should have occurred to you was, who is saying the word happiness and who is hearing the word happiness?
The word happiness came into your existence because you wanted it to be there. You are the observer of the word happiness that is said and heard. The word cannot exist without you wanting it to be there.
It's the same for all things that you are aware of. They are there because you want them to be there…good or bad. Yes, you are responsible for everything and anything that is in your existence. You brought it there.
Coming to this understanding in one's life isn't easy because we want to look for some external reason for why our life has gone the way it has. We don't want to accept that it's all on us and not on someone or something else.
Ego and soul are a constant. Both have a role to play in the understanding you accumulate for your existence. Ego roars and soul whispers. The one that resonates with you is an indication of your awareness of self.
In your notebook determine if your ego or your soul is predominate in your life. To help with this, look at who/what you identify with the most, whether they be real or invented.
If you're trying to build your façade based on what others are doing, your ego is running the show. If you are building your existence on what your soul is whispering, you most likely have peace in your life.
Our existence does not depend on what others are doing. Our existence can only transpire based on what we allow…good or bad. Yes, you have that much power over your reaction to your existence.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 9th, 2025 - Day 1 Week 6
While us beings have more in common than we don't, one of the things we each must do is sleep. We all have to become extremely vulnerable for a short time in order to refresh ourselves.
When we sleep we cease to exist. For those of us who dream while we sleep, it can be quite an entertaining few hours of weirdness. For those who don't dream, I wonder why that is? Why are some minds active and some minds not active while at rest? These are things that occupy my awake mind.
As I said, when you are sleeping you lose all identity. You aren't "you", "you" just are. When someone looks at you while you are sleeping, you exist to them, but you aren't existing, you just are.
Nothing exists for you until you open your eyes and wherever you are in that moment is what exists. Are you in your own bed? Did you sleep on the couch? Are you vacationing somewhere? Any of those things exist because you want it to exist.
Similarly your neighbor's dog doesn't exist until you hear it bark. Your work place doesn't exist until you arrive there. Your life partner and children don't exist until they are seen by you. It all exists because you want it to exist.
We can counter this with logic that says it must exist because they have physical form and other beings know that they are there. True enough. But it doesn't matter what is another's reality, only what is your reality.
While you are reading these words nothing exists around you until you look up. This applies to any situation that you find yourself in throughout the day. It doesn't exist until you want it to exist.
No one thinks of another person, place, or thing constantly. It is impossible because we are bombarded with any number of thoughts while we are awake. It's like we "forget" until a moment reminds us of our existence.
For example: you are deep into a project at work and your phone dings. The phone didn't exist for you until it dinged. You glance at the phone and see it is your partner or child connecting with you. They did not exist until you seen their name on the phone.
Nothing exists until you want it to exist. Your existence is whatever you create it to be in any moment that happens for you. In your notebook write down all the names of people that no longer "exist" in your life. What happened to them? Where did they go?
February 9th, 2025 - Day 1 Week 6
While us beings have more in common than we don't, one of the things we each must do is sleep. We all have to become extremely vulnerable for a short time in order to refresh ourselves.
When we sleep we cease to exist. For those of us who dream while we sleep, it can be quite an entertaining few hours of weirdness. For those who don't dream, I wonder why that is? Why are some minds active and some minds not active while at rest? These are things that occupy my awake mind.
As I said, when you are sleeping you lose all identity. You aren't "you", "you" just are. When someone looks at you while you are sleeping, you exist to them, but you aren't existing, you just are.
Nothing exists for you until you open your eyes and wherever you are in that moment is what exists. Are you in your own bed? Did you sleep on the couch? Are you vacationing somewhere? Any of those things exist because you want it to exist.
Similarly your neighbor's dog doesn't exist until you hear it bark. Your work place doesn't exist until you arrive there. Your life partner and children don't exist until they are seen by you. It all exists because you want it to exist.
We can counter this with logic that says it must exist because they have physical form and other beings know that they are there. True enough. But it doesn't matter what is another's reality, only what is your reality.
While you are reading these words nothing exists around you until you look up. This applies to any situation that you find yourself in throughout the day. It doesn't exist until you want it to exist.
No one thinks of another person, place, or thing constantly. It is impossible because we are bombarded with any number of thoughts while we are awake. It's like we "forget" until a moment reminds us of our existence.
For example: you are deep into a project at work and your phone dings. The phone didn't exist for you until it dinged. You glance at the phone and see it is your partner or child connecting with you. They did not exist until you seen their name on the phone.
Nothing exists until you want it to exist. Your existence is whatever you create it to be in any moment that happens for you. In your notebook write down all the names of people that no longer "exist" in your life. What happened to them? Where did they go?
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 8th, 2025 - Day 7 Week 5
It isn't lost on me that my ability to "land on my feet" is directly attributed to my understanding of how important it is to maintain a state of gratefulness no matter what is going on around me. Couple that with authenticity and love, and I'd say I live a very abundant life.
When you feel genuine gratitude you will have a feeling that everything is going to be okay. You believe that your higher power has it under control and you are simply to remain grateful for being alive. That which you are will always come to you.
1. Fear of the unknown keeps us from feeling gratitude for what we already have in the now.
2. Feeling like we are lacking in something will bring more of the same.
3. Gratitude isn't about feeling good because you have it better than someone else.
4. Being physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready to receive abundance will determine its arrival.
5. Feeling gratitude is to be done daily.
6. You are given that which you are. Self control is strength; Right thought is mastery; Calmness is power
We are coming up to the week of learning that really makes one discern on their "existence". It's a teaching that is necessary for a deeper understanding of what we "think" is our reality.
Our very existence on this planet is complex and too huge for any one mind to grasp. The good thing is that you don't have to. You only have to zero in on your existence and what it means for you.
February 8th, 2025 - Day 7 Week 5
It isn't lost on me that my ability to "land on my feet" is directly attributed to my understanding of how important it is to maintain a state of gratefulness no matter what is going on around me. Couple that with authenticity and love, and I'd say I live a very abundant life.
When you feel genuine gratitude you will have a feeling that everything is going to be okay. You believe that your higher power has it under control and you are simply to remain grateful for being alive. That which you are will always come to you.
1. Fear of the unknown keeps us from feeling gratitude for what we already have in the now.
2. Feeling like we are lacking in something will bring more of the same.
3. Gratitude isn't about feeling good because you have it better than someone else.
4. Being physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready to receive abundance will determine its arrival.
5. Feeling gratitude is to be done daily.
6. You are given that which you are. Self control is strength; Right thought is mastery; Calmness is power
We are coming up to the week of learning that really makes one discern on their "existence". It's a teaching that is necessary for a deeper understanding of what we "think" is our reality.
Our very existence on this planet is complex and too huge for any one mind to grasp. The good thing is that you don't have to. You only have to zero in on your existence and what it means for you.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 7th, 2025 - Day 6 Week 5
Feeling gratitude on a daily basis takes self-discipline. If you are able to see the blessings outside yourself, then surely you will be able to see the blessing that you yourself are.
I have a copy of the book "As A Man Thinketh" written by James Allen in 1903. The circumstances for how this book made its way to me are profound and not lost on me.
My mom died in a plane crash in 1974. At that time I was in foster care and I can't remember anyone telling me that this had taken place. I was six years old. In my Mom's carry on luggage was the copy of As A Man Thinketh.
Years later when I met my maternal family the book was one of the things that my Gramma gave to me as a keepsake. I didn't read it at the time, I just felt blessed to have something that my Mom had owned.
The moment in time that I decided to read As A Man Thinketh isn't a memory, but what the book shared with me was too profound not to be a memory. For the first time I felt like I had answers for why I felt "different" from others.
Over the years I have read the book several times. It's a short read. Each time I read it I learn something new and my prior understandings are affirmed. It is my go to book when I'm uncertain about my existence.
I've actually typed the book out into a Word document so that I can preserve my original copy. In the original my Mom had underlined things that must have held meaning for her making the book even more special.
While the book has a lot of teachings the three things that I adhere to are: "Self control is strength; Right thought is mastery; Calmness is power". These are all things that cost nothing and you have them at your beck and call anytime you want.
In your notebook write those three things down and share why having these as part of your character is important when feeling gratitude.
To be grateful is a choice. Because we all have free will we get to choose on a minute by minute basis how we want to feel and because of that, how we feel is what we become. Your very existence is dependent on your understanding of God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is giving to you that which you are.
February 7th, 2025 - Day 6 Week 5
Feeling gratitude on a daily basis takes self-discipline. If you are able to see the blessings outside yourself, then surely you will be able to see the blessing that you yourself are.
I have a copy of the book "As A Man Thinketh" written by James Allen in 1903. The circumstances for how this book made its way to me are profound and not lost on me.
My mom died in a plane crash in 1974. At that time I was in foster care and I can't remember anyone telling me that this had taken place. I was six years old. In my Mom's carry on luggage was the copy of As A Man Thinketh.
Years later when I met my maternal family the book was one of the things that my Gramma gave to me as a keepsake. I didn't read it at the time, I just felt blessed to have something that my Mom had owned.
The moment in time that I decided to read As A Man Thinketh isn't a memory, but what the book shared with me was too profound not to be a memory. For the first time I felt like I had answers for why I felt "different" from others.
Over the years I have read the book several times. It's a short read. Each time I read it I learn something new and my prior understandings are affirmed. It is my go to book when I'm uncertain about my existence.
I've actually typed the book out into a Word document so that I can preserve my original copy. In the original my Mom had underlined things that must have held meaning for her making the book even more special.
While the book has a lot of teachings the three things that I adhere to are: "Self control is strength; Right thought is mastery; Calmness is power". These are all things that cost nothing and you have them at your beck and call anytime you want.
In your notebook write those three things down and share why having these as part of your character is important when feeling gratitude.
To be grateful is a choice. Because we all have free will we get to choose on a minute by minute basis how we want to feel and because of that, how we feel is what we become. Your very existence is dependent on your understanding of God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is giving to you that which you are.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 6th, 2025 - Day 5 Week 5
Feeling gratitude is a daily thing. In fact, feeling gratitude can be a minute by minute thing. Sending a thank you out into the universe for a blessing can be a full-time job when you take the time to see them.
I'm not talking about a half-hearted thank you because you think you will get what you want, but a genuine feel it in the heart thank you. Remember that authenticity is the highest of all frequencies.
When you live each day in the state of gratitude you cannot help but to attract more things to yourself to be grateful for, but only if you do so with pure intentions. Your goal is to get through life without hurting yourself or others.
We are taught that we need to step on the heads of others in order to excel in life. What a vulgar way to live wouldn't you agree? We do this if we aren't willing to be patient and instead try to take control of what we cannot control. That's when people get hurt.
All things will come to you in the right time. As we talked about yesterday, you need to be physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready. Physically ready doesn't just necessarily mean health wise, but also whatever it is that you surround yourself with.
Your current situation in life is what it is because you allow it to exist. You have the power to change your life at any moment, but fear of the unknown keeps you bound to what you no longer desire. Your ego forces yourself to be okay with it.
Your ego creates all kinds of scenarios about the unknown that usually have you coming to some sort of demise. You have allowed your ego to distract you from the truth.
The truth is - there is no past, there is no future, there is only every this moment. You can stay frozen in fear in the moment, or you can trust that authentically changing yourself with pure intentions will always work out in your favour. (Fortune favors the bold).
In your notebook write down the physical location for where your past can be found and the physical location for where your future can be found. There isn't one, right? Now, look around yourself. What you see is the now. The now is all that there ever will be.
For you to feel gratitude is for you to feel blessed in the now and recognize that now is all that you are ever going to have. You have the ability to make your now whatever you want it to be.
February 6th, 2025 - Day 5 Week 5
Feeling gratitude is a daily thing. In fact, feeling gratitude can be a minute by minute thing. Sending a thank you out into the universe for a blessing can be a full-time job when you take the time to see them.
I'm not talking about a half-hearted thank you because you think you will get what you want, but a genuine feel it in the heart thank you. Remember that authenticity is the highest of all frequencies.
When you live each day in the state of gratitude you cannot help but to attract more things to yourself to be grateful for, but only if you do so with pure intentions. Your goal is to get through life without hurting yourself or others.
We are taught that we need to step on the heads of others in order to excel in life. What a vulgar way to live wouldn't you agree? We do this if we aren't willing to be patient and instead try to take control of what we cannot control. That's when people get hurt.
All things will come to you in the right time. As we talked about yesterday, you need to be physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready. Physically ready doesn't just necessarily mean health wise, but also whatever it is that you surround yourself with.
Your current situation in life is what it is because you allow it to exist. You have the power to change your life at any moment, but fear of the unknown keeps you bound to what you no longer desire. Your ego forces yourself to be okay with it.
Your ego creates all kinds of scenarios about the unknown that usually have you coming to some sort of demise. You have allowed your ego to distract you from the truth.
The truth is - there is no past, there is no future, there is only every this moment. You can stay frozen in fear in the moment, or you can trust that authentically changing yourself with pure intentions will always work out in your favour. (Fortune favors the bold).
In your notebook write down the physical location for where your past can be found and the physical location for where your future can be found. There isn't one, right? Now, look around yourself. What you see is the now. The now is all that there ever will be.
For you to feel gratitude is for you to feel blessed in the now and recognize that now is all that you are ever going to have. You have the ability to make your now whatever you want it to be.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 5th, 2025 - Day 4 Week 5
My understanding about gratitude is that to receive more abundance you must be physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready for the abundance to make its way to you. If you want different, you have to be different.
This is a hard one for us beings to accept. We want to think that we are ready for "more" simply because we're asking for it to happen. Meanwhile, if you are honest with yourself you know you are not in a position to take on more of anything.
Why would you want to receive something that you inherently know you aren't ready to have? Chances are you are going to lose it and be back in the same spot feeling lack.
In your notebook write down a list of things that you feel should be yours by now. Leave space under each one so you can write down if you are physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready for the thing to happen.
It's not to say that the thing will never happen, but its very important that you are ready so that the abundance will remain with you as you get ready for the next abundance that is to come to you.
As you change and grow your being it is inevitable that the abundance you need to keep up with that growth will make its way to you. God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is will always give that which you are.
Abundance doesn't always mean man made things. Abundance also can apply to those things that we "feel" - gratitude, love, joy, hope, happiness, peace. There is no limit to the abundance that one can feel.
Once you have mastered the ability to feel abundance, you will understand the importance of being physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready for man made abundance. You will be grateful for your knowledge.
Knowledge is a positive vibration -> it creates understanding -> which creates faith -> with faith comes well-being -> then you are able to express -> and life will accelerate.
Ignorance is a negative vibration -> it creates worry & doubt -> which creates fear -> with fear comes anxiety -> then you will supress -> and life will depress.
February 5th, 2025 - Day 4 Week 5
My understanding about gratitude is that to receive more abundance you must be physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready for the abundance to make its way to you. If you want different, you have to be different.
This is a hard one for us beings to accept. We want to think that we are ready for "more" simply because we're asking for it to happen. Meanwhile, if you are honest with yourself you know you are not in a position to take on more of anything.
Why would you want to receive something that you inherently know you aren't ready to have? Chances are you are going to lose it and be back in the same spot feeling lack.
In your notebook write down a list of things that you feel should be yours by now. Leave space under each one so you can write down if you are physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready for the thing to happen.
It's not to say that the thing will never happen, but its very important that you are ready so that the abundance will remain with you as you get ready for the next abundance that is to come to you.
As you change and grow your being it is inevitable that the abundance you need to keep up with that growth will make its way to you. God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is will always give that which you are.
Abundance doesn't always mean man made things. Abundance also can apply to those things that we "feel" - gratitude, love, joy, hope, happiness, peace. There is no limit to the abundance that one can feel.
Once you have mastered the ability to feel abundance, you will understand the importance of being physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready for man made abundance. You will be grateful for your knowledge.
Knowledge is a positive vibration -> it creates understanding -> which creates faith -> with faith comes well-being -> then you are able to express -> and life will accelerate.
Ignorance is a negative vibration -> it creates worry & doubt -> which creates fear -> with fear comes anxiety -> then you will supress -> and life will depress.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 4th, 2025 - Day 3 Week 5
I am a blessed being. Thankfully, I've never had to go without the essentials of life, as meager as they seemed at times. Even though I had to pinch pennies, I made sure I had "stuff".
The thing about having "stuff" is that we think we need to upgrade when the "stuff " we have is still serving a purpose. We think we need the next best thing in order to keep up. We are sending out energy that says we are lacking.
A lot of unnecessary pressure is put on ourselves to have more and because of that feeling of lack, that is what we'll get back from the energy we put out there.
What I knew intuitively all my life is that although the stuff I had was "meager", it was a blessing and I felt pure gratitude to have it in my life. I didn't want for more, I appreciated what was mine.
Because of this mindset I was able to get the next best thing when the time was right and I was okay with that.
If you doubt the possibilities of gratitude the best example I can give is that I was a single mom on welfare who ultimately got to own a home and had a successful career with a healthy salary.
The thing is this, I wasn't grateful for "things", I was grateful for being. I was able to see, smell, hear, speak, feel, and think. To me, these were more precious than any material item I had.
Then I took it to next level gratitude to understanding that because my gratitude focused on being, I was able to discern on what my purpose was for being here.
In your notebook write down all the "stuff" you have that you feel grateful for and include things that money can't buy that you feel grateful for.
Gratitude isn't simply feeling good because you have it better than someone else. Gratitude is feeling like what you have is truly enough. Gratitude is knowing that God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is, will upgrade you when the time is right. Not your time; the right time. Until then you will be given what you are, so you might as well be gratitude.
February 4th, 2025 - Day 3 Week 5
I am a blessed being. Thankfully, I've never had to go without the essentials of life, as meager as they seemed at times. Even though I had to pinch pennies, I made sure I had "stuff".
The thing about having "stuff" is that we think we need to upgrade when the "stuff " we have is still serving a purpose. We think we need the next best thing in order to keep up. We are sending out energy that says we are lacking.
A lot of unnecessary pressure is put on ourselves to have more and because of that feeling of lack, that is what we'll get back from the energy we put out there.
What I knew intuitively all my life is that although the stuff I had was "meager", it was a blessing and I felt pure gratitude to have it in my life. I didn't want for more, I appreciated what was mine.
Because of this mindset I was able to get the next best thing when the time was right and I was okay with that.
If you doubt the possibilities of gratitude the best example I can give is that I was a single mom on welfare who ultimately got to own a home and had a successful career with a healthy salary.
The thing is this, I wasn't grateful for "things", I was grateful for being. I was able to see, smell, hear, speak, feel, and think. To me, these were more precious than any material item I had.
Then I took it to next level gratitude to understanding that because my gratitude focused on being, I was able to discern on what my purpose was for being here.
In your notebook write down all the "stuff" you have that you feel grateful for and include things that money can't buy that you feel grateful for.
Gratitude isn't simply feeling good because you have it better than someone else. Gratitude is feeling like what you have is truly enough. Gratitude is knowing that God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is, will upgrade you when the time is right. Not your time; the right time. Until then you will be given what you are, so you might as well be gratitude.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 3rd, 2025 - Day 2 Week 5
Asking someone to feel gratitude when they'd rather feel like they don't have enough is usually met with frustration from the one who feels they are lacking. They have equated abundance to "things" and that has become their measurement for fulfillment.
Having "things" to make life easier isn't wrong, having things because you think they will elevate you in society IS wrong. Sadly, have been lead to believe that other beings care what you have and don't have, but the truth is, they don't.
In your notebook make a list of all the things that every single person on earth has in common with each other. Make another list of things that you think elevate other people above yourself. What do you notice?
We always want to be more than we are now so we look to things to fill the gaps in our life. We're always striving to get the next best thing thinking it will make us whole. When will enough stuff be enough stuff? This is a cycle with no end.
Fantasizing that "rich" people live some sort of glamourous day to day life is an illusion. They eat, sleep, and use the bathroom just like the rest of us. Their money cannot buy what we all lack - the truth.
The truth of the matter is is that turned inside out we are all exactly the same. No amount of money is ever going to fix a broken spirit, that will be done by the sheer will of the spirit that is broken.
When we feel lack it isn't because we're feeling a lack of "things"; we are feeling a lack of peace. We haven't figured out that the most valuable thing on the earth cannot be found outside yourself.
Or better yet, we don't want to believe that everything we've ever wanted in life can be found within ourselves. We want to believe that a price tag defines the value of who we are. We haven't figured out that all beings are priceless.
Coming to terms with the fact that you yourself are more valuable than any man made thing is a struggle because we conform to the "levels" of human worth that man has made for us. Low, middle, and upper class are all an illusion.
When you label yourself based on what you think is correct, it is hard to break away from the stigma that you aren't allowed to "be" more. Not have more. BE more.
Isn't not about a "roof over your head" or "food in the cupboard" that will determine your level of abundance. What you allow into your head and what you feed your mind is what will determine your level of gratitude.
February 3rd, 2025 - Day 2 Week 5
Asking someone to feel gratitude when they'd rather feel like they don't have enough is usually met with frustration from the one who feels they are lacking. They have equated abundance to "things" and that has become their measurement for fulfillment.
Having "things" to make life easier isn't wrong, having things because you think they will elevate you in society IS wrong. Sadly, have been lead to believe that other beings care what you have and don't have, but the truth is, they don't.
In your notebook make a list of all the things that every single person on earth has in common with each other. Make another list of things that you think elevate other people above yourself. What do you notice?
We always want to be more than we are now so we look to things to fill the gaps in our life. We're always striving to get the next best thing thinking it will make us whole. When will enough stuff be enough stuff? This is a cycle with no end.
Fantasizing that "rich" people live some sort of glamourous day to day life is an illusion. They eat, sleep, and use the bathroom just like the rest of us. Their money cannot buy what we all lack - the truth.
The truth of the matter is is that turned inside out we are all exactly the same. No amount of money is ever going to fix a broken spirit, that will be done by the sheer will of the spirit that is broken.
When we feel lack it isn't because we're feeling a lack of "things"; we are feeling a lack of peace. We haven't figured out that the most valuable thing on the earth cannot be found outside yourself.
Or better yet, we don't want to believe that everything we've ever wanted in life can be found within ourselves. We want to believe that a price tag defines the value of who we are. We haven't figured out that all beings are priceless.
Coming to terms with the fact that you yourself are more valuable than any man made thing is a struggle because we conform to the "levels" of human worth that man has made for us. Low, middle, and upper class are all an illusion.
When you label yourself based on what you think is correct, it is hard to break away from the stigma that you aren't allowed to "be" more. Not have more. BE more.
Isn't not about a "roof over your head" or "food in the cupboard" that will determine your level of abundance. What you allow into your head and what you feed your mind is what will determine your level of gratitude.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 2nd, 2025 - Day 1 Week 5
It takes practice to feel grateful when you think there is nothing to be grateful for. You know what I'm talking about, right? When the hardships of life hit us, we have a tendency to focus on that "thing" which is a normal human reaction.
How you move past that negative feeling is more important than the feeling itself. That is not to say that what you are experiencing isn't important to you. It means, will you allow yourself to experience despair and hope at the same time?
In your notebook, write about a time that you felt you couldn't go on with life. What were the strongest negative and positive emotions that you were feeling?
When life takes an unexpected turn we immediately feel fear of the unknown. Something has come along and forced us to get out of our "comfort zone" and experience good or bad feelings. (Remember that fear is an illusion and can only be felt in your mind.)
Take fear away and you are left with feeling any of the other negative emotions that come with change - upset, worry, anxiety, uneasiness etc. These made up emotions can easily take over your thought pattern leaving little room for gratitude.
Your mind will take any event and turn it into hypothetical scenerios of how you are going to make it through and because we are fickle beings, your mind will change itself over and over again.
You've heard of fight, flight, and freeze when our humanness is challenged by something that is too overwhelming to process. Our head to toe being has a physical reaction to a moment that occurs unexpectedly.
Once we've moved past the shock of whatever it is that is causing us to feel negatively, we move into what is inherently at the core of our being and that is to survive from whatever has occurred.
It is when we are in that moment that we have to dig really deep and find something in our life to feel grateful about. It doesn't matter what it is so long as it gives you a brief glimpse of hope.
Like everything else in your life, you get to choose what exists there on a day to day basis. You ARE allowed to feel good everyday. If you don't, it is because you are telling yourself not to. The question is, why?
February 2nd, 2025 - Day 1 Week 5
It takes practice to feel grateful when you think there is nothing to be grateful for. You know what I'm talking about, right? When the hardships of life hit us, we have a tendency to focus on that "thing" which is a normal human reaction.
How you move past that negative feeling is more important than the feeling itself. That is not to say that what you are experiencing isn't important to you. It means, will you allow yourself to experience despair and hope at the same time?
In your notebook, write about a time that you felt you couldn't go on with life. What were the strongest negative and positive emotions that you were feeling?
When life takes an unexpected turn we immediately feel fear of the unknown. Something has come along and forced us to get out of our "comfort zone" and experience good or bad feelings. (Remember that fear is an illusion and can only be felt in your mind.)
Take fear away and you are left with feeling any of the other negative emotions that come with change - upset, worry, anxiety, uneasiness etc. These made up emotions can easily take over your thought pattern leaving little room for gratitude.
Your mind will take any event and turn it into hypothetical scenerios of how you are going to make it through and because we are fickle beings, your mind will change itself over and over again.
You've heard of fight, flight, and freeze when our humanness is challenged by something that is too overwhelming to process. Our head to toe being has a physical reaction to a moment that occurs unexpectedly.
Once we've moved past the shock of whatever it is that is causing us to feel negatively, we move into what is inherently at the core of our being and that is to survive from whatever has occurred.
It is when we are in that moment that we have to dig really deep and find something in our life to feel grateful about. It doesn't matter what it is so long as it gives you a brief glimpse of hope.
Like everything else in your life, you get to choose what exists there on a day to day basis. You ARE allowed to feel good everyday. If you don't, it is because you are telling yourself not to. The question is, why?
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
February 1st, 2025 - Day 7 Week 4
Speaking with people about their faith is always a sensitive topic. What I know for sure is that none of us have it exactly right and that is perfectly fine! We aren't supposed to.
Our journey of understanding is a personal one. It's not supposed to mirror someone else's. Your journey has purpose and is unique for all kinds of reasons that you will never understand, and that is okay.
1. Having faith in anything should not involve having fear in any way, shape, or form.
2. Everyone has free will, whether they realize it or not.
3. Fear and faith both want you to believe in something that you cannot see.
4. Your being here is a marvel of nature.
5. You have to live a life where you aren't hurting yourself too.
6. You call it religion, I call it spirituality. Neither is wrong.
In the next coming week we are going to learn why feeling gratitude is so important. There is always something to feel grateful for, especially when you think there isn't.
Gratitude is an important frequency. It is in the top three frequencies which include, in this order, authenticity, love, gratitude.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, that you desire will ever come to you if you don't have gratitude for what you already have. You are the determinant of what exists in your life.
February 1st, 2025 - Day 7 Week 4
Speaking with people about their faith is always a sensitive topic. What I know for sure is that none of us have it exactly right and that is perfectly fine! We aren't supposed to.
Our journey of understanding is a personal one. It's not supposed to mirror someone else's. Your journey has purpose and is unique for all kinds of reasons that you will never understand, and that is okay.
1. Having faith in anything should not involve having fear in any way, shape, or form.
2. Everyone has free will, whether they realize it or not.
3. Fear and faith both want you to believe in something that you cannot see.
4. Your being here is a marvel of nature.
5. You have to live a life where you aren't hurting yourself too.
6. You call it religion, I call it spirituality. Neither is wrong.
In the next coming week we are going to learn why feeling gratitude is so important. There is always something to feel grateful for, especially when you think there isn't.
Gratitude is an important frequency. It is in the top three frequencies which include, in this order, authenticity, love, gratitude.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, that you desire will ever come to you if you don't have gratitude for what you already have. You are the determinant of what exists in your life.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 31st, 2025 - Day 6 Week 4
You may have noticed that when I reference divinity I will say "God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is". There are many other words besides those that beings use to describe something that is bigger than themselves.
I think what gets looked past the most in this battle of which divinity is correct is that for the most part all of them teach us that we are to love each other as we are to love ourself. They teach us to love.
Unfortunately our humanness has taken love and minced it down into who we consider to be lovable. It is this act of ignorance that has caused all of the mayhem you see in the world today. Man created hate.
It's not just hate of another being that hangs in the air, it’s the hate towards anything that has offended you in some way that hangs over us. For example: a vicious dog bites you, so now you hate dogs. Stuff like that.
When you take all the hate that has accumulated on this earth and you place it alongside all the love that is felt on this earth, which one do you think will outweigh the other? Do you think there is more good on this earth than bad?
In your notebook, write about something you hate / strongly dislike. Now write down all the reasons why its necessary for you to continue to have such a strong emotion about it. Ask yourself, who does it matter to most that I continue to hurt myself like this?
No one truly cares who you love and who you hate. The only thing they are after is the feeling that is generated when their fears are challenged. We've all had that feeling that makes us feel indignant and want to lash out at another being. It's a bad feeling that makes us feel good at the same time.
The thing about that feeling is that we have to sustain it. We have to give it attention everyday to ensure that it doesn't leave us. We have to purposely choose to keep hate close and to keep love away. WE choose that.
On the flip side of that, if you give love your attention everyday and you choose to purposely keep it close and keep hate away, you will have made a decision to be at peace. YOU will have chosen that.
In your notebook, write down all good things in your life that deserve to receive your energy on a daily basis. Whatever is making your cup runneth over is there because you choose to have it there. It's you. It's always been you.
January 31st, 2025 - Day 6 Week 4
You may have noticed that when I reference divinity I will say "God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is". There are many other words besides those that beings use to describe something that is bigger than themselves.
I think what gets looked past the most in this battle of which divinity is correct is that for the most part all of them teach us that we are to love each other as we are to love ourself. They teach us to love.
Unfortunately our humanness has taken love and minced it down into who we consider to be lovable. It is this act of ignorance that has caused all of the mayhem you see in the world today. Man created hate.
It's not just hate of another being that hangs in the air, it’s the hate towards anything that has offended you in some way that hangs over us. For example: a vicious dog bites you, so now you hate dogs. Stuff like that.
When you take all the hate that has accumulated on this earth and you place it alongside all the love that is felt on this earth, which one do you think will outweigh the other? Do you think there is more good on this earth than bad?
In your notebook, write about something you hate / strongly dislike. Now write down all the reasons why its necessary for you to continue to have such a strong emotion about it. Ask yourself, who does it matter to most that I continue to hurt myself like this?
No one truly cares who you love and who you hate. The only thing they are after is the feeling that is generated when their fears are challenged. We've all had that feeling that makes us feel indignant and want to lash out at another being. It's a bad feeling that makes us feel good at the same time.
The thing about that feeling is that we have to sustain it. We have to give it attention everyday to ensure that it doesn't leave us. We have to purposely choose to keep hate close and to keep love away. WE choose that.
On the flip side of that, if you give love your attention everyday and you choose to purposely keep it close and keep hate away, you will have made a decision to be at peace. YOU will have chosen that.
In your notebook, write down all good things in your life that deserve to receive your energy on a daily basis. Whatever is making your cup runneth over is there because you choose to have it there. It's you. It's always been you.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 30th, 2025 - Day 5 Week 4
I think even the most devout athiest believes in something. They might not say the words outloud, but inherently they know that there has to be a reason that we are floating around on a sphere in the middle of nowhere.
This saying came to mind as I'm writing today's words: "I would rather live my life as if there is a god and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is." Really think about that for a moment.
The implication of this is that you need to live a life with pure intentions regardless of the outcome. So, what is so bad about that? What is wrong with wanting to live a life that doesn't involve purposely hurting others?
Well, the deep down truth is that you would have to live a life where you aren't hurting yourself too. You would have to let go of your ego and instead trust that being vulnerable is an okay thing to do. Yikes, right?
We aren't here to hurt. In fact, when you were born you had no idea what it meant to hurt until someone taught you how to hurt. We are born with pure intentions. It is become of someone else's impure intentions that you continue to repeat the cycle.
This is a point in your self discovery journey where you say "well, that's just the way it is", or you say "maybe, just maybe, I've been incorrect about a lot things and its time to figure it out". I hope you choose the latter.
In order for you to fully come into yourself, you will need to have faith in yourself. You will need to have so much faith in yourself that you will know that you have a purpose for being on this planet with the rest of us.
You will need to have faith that is so unshakeable that it won't matter what your purpose is, so long as you are living a life with meaning.
In your notebook write down what your ideal life looks like. Don't be shy. Make it as realistic as your mind wants it to be. Is there meaning in what you wrote down or is it just stuff that makes your life look ideal?
When you realize that a life without meaning is empty and a life with fullfillment feels right, you will have discovered that you actually do believe in something that is much bigger than yourself.
January 30th, 2025 - Day 5 Week 4
I think even the most devout athiest believes in something. They might not say the words outloud, but inherently they know that there has to be a reason that we are floating around on a sphere in the middle of nowhere.
This saying came to mind as I'm writing today's words: "I would rather live my life as if there is a god and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is." Really think about that for a moment.
The implication of this is that you need to live a life with pure intentions regardless of the outcome. So, what is so bad about that? What is wrong with wanting to live a life that doesn't involve purposely hurting others?
Well, the deep down truth is that you would have to live a life where you aren't hurting yourself too. You would have to let go of your ego and instead trust that being vulnerable is an okay thing to do. Yikes, right?
We aren't here to hurt. In fact, when you were born you had no idea what it meant to hurt until someone taught you how to hurt. We are born with pure intentions. It is become of someone else's impure intentions that you continue to repeat the cycle.
This is a point in your self discovery journey where you say "well, that's just the way it is", or you say "maybe, just maybe, I've been incorrect about a lot things and its time to figure it out". I hope you choose the latter.
In order for you to fully come into yourself, you will need to have faith in yourself. You will need to have so much faith in yourself that you will know that you have a purpose for being on this planet with the rest of us.
You will need to have faith that is so unshakeable that it won't matter what your purpose is, so long as you are living a life with meaning.
In your notebook write down what your ideal life looks like. Don't be shy. Make it as realistic as your mind wants it to be. Is there meaning in what you wrote down or is it just stuff that makes your life look ideal?
When you realize that a life without meaning is empty and a life with fullfillment feels right, you will have discovered that you actually do believe in something that is much bigger than yourself.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 29th, 2025 - Day 4 Week 4
Sometimes I'll sit in a quiet space and just be. Many thoughts occur to me while I'm at rest and to ensure I don't get lost in them I make sure that I am aware that I am aware of the thoughts. They are just thoughts.
Instead of thoughts I like to be aware of truths. Not things that someone else shared with me, but things that are literal and tangible. One of those things is conception. The meeting of an egg and a sperm and the being that is created from that union.
Biology teaches us that 300 million human sperm cells are released in one ejaculation and of that extraordinary number only one has a chance of successfully fertilizing an egg cell.
Two strangers had to meet by chance for you to exist. Scientists say that 117 billion people have lived on this earth. Don't you find it fascinating that you get to be one of them? I digress.
Once an egg has been fertilized it knows to travel to a uterus, develops a placenta, and through the placenta receives nutrition and oxygen. Over nine months the two cells grow into a human being who is then birthed into the world.
If anything on this planet holds you in awe, it should be the journey you took to be here. You are an amazing miracle. We forget that as we get worn down by life's hardships. You are a marvel.
There are many things about conception that our mind grapples with and we don't ponder because although we have words to describe the process, we know inherently that there aren't any words to describe the process.
It gets too profound when we try to go past the meeting of the two beings that made up you, to the two beings that made up them, to the two beings that made up them, and so on and so on and so on.
To keep ourselves sane we accept that our reason for being here is all biological and leave the spirituality out of it. We try not to go down any rabbit holes that will force us to think about life in another way.
We say things like, "if there is a God, who created God", like that will ease the doubts we have for our existence. Ask yourself this though "If there isn't a God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is, why are you here?". If your answer is "I don't know", that will be the most honest thing you will ever say in your lifetime.
January 29th, 2025 - Day 4 Week 4
Sometimes I'll sit in a quiet space and just be. Many thoughts occur to me while I'm at rest and to ensure I don't get lost in them I make sure that I am aware that I am aware of the thoughts. They are just thoughts.
Instead of thoughts I like to be aware of truths. Not things that someone else shared with me, but things that are literal and tangible. One of those things is conception. The meeting of an egg and a sperm and the being that is created from that union.
Biology teaches us that 300 million human sperm cells are released in one ejaculation and of that extraordinary number only one has a chance of successfully fertilizing an egg cell.
Two strangers had to meet by chance for you to exist. Scientists say that 117 billion people have lived on this earth. Don't you find it fascinating that you get to be one of them? I digress.
Once an egg has been fertilized it knows to travel to a uterus, develops a placenta, and through the placenta receives nutrition and oxygen. Over nine months the two cells grow into a human being who is then birthed into the world.
If anything on this planet holds you in awe, it should be the journey you took to be here. You are an amazing miracle. We forget that as we get worn down by life's hardships. You are a marvel.
There are many things about conception that our mind grapples with and we don't ponder because although we have words to describe the process, we know inherently that there aren't any words to describe the process.
It gets too profound when we try to go past the meeting of the two beings that made up you, to the two beings that made up them, to the two beings that made up them, and so on and so on and so on.
To keep ourselves sane we accept that our reason for being here is all biological and leave the spirituality out of it. We try not to go down any rabbit holes that will force us to think about life in another way.
We say things like, "if there is a God, who created God", like that will ease the doubts we have for our existence. Ask yourself this though "If there isn't a God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is, why are you here?". If your answer is "I don't know", that will be the most honest thing you will ever say in your lifetime.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 28th, 2025 - Day 3 Week 4
Fear and faith have an expectation. Both of them want you to believe in something that you cannot see. Except, fear invokes feelings of anxiety while faith invokes feelings of well-being. Which one do you know best?
Fear is a negative emotion that comes from ignorance. It causes worry and doubt, which causes suppression and depression. Faith is a positive emotion that comes from knowledge, which causes expression and acceleration.
What is important to note is that neither of these things is found outside yourself. They can only be found within yourself. You are the determinant of peace and mayhem for yourself. You decide what exists and doesn't exist in your realm.
If I ask you to take me and show me God, you can't. If I ask you to take me and show me fear, you can't. Both of these are understood by you because you were taught to understand them by someone else. They live in your mind.
Each morning when I get up, I ask myself what is going to live rent free in my mind today. Is it going to be fear or is it going to be faith? I choose faith every single time.
In your notebook, make a list of things you fear. Beside them write why you fear them. Also make a list of things that bring you peace. Beside them write why they bring you peace.
Every choice that comes your way in a day is decided on by your degree of fear and your degree of faith. Mixed in with all of that is the limiting beliefs that you inherited along the way.
Through much deliberation and consideration I've been able to name my limiting beliefs - fear of rejection; fear of judgement; fear of being unworthy. When I hesitate about making a decision, I determine which of these three is making me pause.
I remind myself that I feel these things. No one outside of me knows that I feel these things and because I am aware of them I get to denounce them anytime I want and step over them into the things that I do want.
Let the "IS" be what is. Your role is to decide to be on the side of ignorance, or on the side of knowledge. Making the decision to remain on the positive side will always bring the results that you desire.
January 28th, 2025 - Day 3 Week 4
Fear and faith have an expectation. Both of them want you to believe in something that you cannot see. Except, fear invokes feelings of anxiety while faith invokes feelings of well-being. Which one do you know best?
Fear is a negative emotion that comes from ignorance. It causes worry and doubt, which causes suppression and depression. Faith is a positive emotion that comes from knowledge, which causes expression and acceleration.
What is important to note is that neither of these things is found outside yourself. They can only be found within yourself. You are the determinant of peace and mayhem for yourself. You decide what exists and doesn't exist in your realm.
If I ask you to take me and show me God, you can't. If I ask you to take me and show me fear, you can't. Both of these are understood by you because you were taught to understand them by someone else. They live in your mind.
Each morning when I get up, I ask myself what is going to live rent free in my mind today. Is it going to be fear or is it going to be faith? I choose faith every single time.
In your notebook, make a list of things you fear. Beside them write why you fear them. Also make a list of things that bring you peace. Beside them write why they bring you peace.
Every choice that comes your way in a day is decided on by your degree of fear and your degree of faith. Mixed in with all of that is the limiting beliefs that you inherited along the way.
Through much deliberation and consideration I've been able to name my limiting beliefs - fear of rejection; fear of judgement; fear of being unworthy. When I hesitate about making a decision, I determine which of these three is making me pause.
I remind myself that I feel these things. No one outside of me knows that I feel these things and because I am aware of them I get to denounce them anytime I want and step over them into the things that I do want.
Let the "IS" be what is. Your role is to decide to be on the side of ignorance, or on the side of knowledge. Making the decision to remain on the positive side will always bring the results that you desire.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 27th, 2025 - Day 2 Week 4
There are people who find it offensive when I say that at six years old I had an encounter with God that produced a memory for me where the words: "Trust me and you'll find out what it is all for" were heard.
Logic will produce all kinds of reasoning as to why my humanness would think that such a thing was possible. Trauma has a way of making the victim find ways to survive abuse that no child should endure.
Perhaps there is some truth to that, but as the human that came through all of that abuse I can say for certain that there was a moment that took place that shaped my life's journey.
It hasn't been easy trusting that there was a reason for my being here. I grappled a lot with why there was nastiness in a world where supposedly a higher power was in charge. Why do we have hurt people who hurt people?
What I've come to understand is that no one is born with hurt in their heart. The hurt has to be put there by other beings who don't know better or who do know better and don't care. We are the reason for the mayhem we see around us.
We got ourselves into this place of distrust and together we are the only ones who are ever going to get ourselves out of this place of distrusting one another. It is an unnatural act to hate. A baby cannot hate until it is taught otherwise.
Whether you believe in a higher power or not, there has be an agreement that everyone has free will. This is hard to dispute when you are allowed to choose to believe or not to believe how we came to be on earth.
Because we have free will we have the luxury of getting to know ourself or to ignore the intricacies that make up yourself. We can choose to believe that we are a powerful being or believe that we have no power.
We are taught to fear God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is, to the point of paralyzing our free will. We forget that we are allowed to think for ourselves.
Let's take a moment and say the word happy without using our voice. Say it again. Ask yourself, who said the word happy and who heard the word happy?
In your notebook, write about a time that you experienced something unexplainable and how you felt when you couldn't share it with others for fear of ridicule.
January 27th, 2025 - Day 2 Week 4
There are people who find it offensive when I say that at six years old I had an encounter with God that produced a memory for me where the words: "Trust me and you'll find out what it is all for" were heard.
Logic will produce all kinds of reasoning as to why my humanness would think that such a thing was possible. Trauma has a way of making the victim find ways to survive abuse that no child should endure.
Perhaps there is some truth to that, but as the human that came through all of that abuse I can say for certain that there was a moment that took place that shaped my life's journey.
It hasn't been easy trusting that there was a reason for my being here. I grappled a lot with why there was nastiness in a world where supposedly a higher power was in charge. Why do we have hurt people who hurt people?
What I've come to understand is that no one is born with hurt in their heart. The hurt has to be put there by other beings who don't know better or who do know better and don't care. We are the reason for the mayhem we see around us.
We got ourselves into this place of distrust and together we are the only ones who are ever going to get ourselves out of this place of distrusting one another. It is an unnatural act to hate. A baby cannot hate until it is taught otherwise.
Whether you believe in a higher power or not, there has be an agreement that everyone has free will. This is hard to dispute when you are allowed to choose to believe or not to believe how we came to be on earth.
Because we have free will we have the luxury of getting to know ourself or to ignore the intricacies that make up yourself. We can choose to believe that we are a powerful being or believe that we have no power.
We are taught to fear God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Source From All That Is, to the point of paralyzing our free will. We forget that we are allowed to think for ourselves.
Let's take a moment and say the word happy without using our voice. Say it again. Ask yourself, who said the word happy and who heard the word happy?
In your notebook, write about a time that you experienced something unexplainable and how you felt when you couldn't share it with others for fear of ridicule.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 26th, 2025 - Day 1 Week 4
In your notebook, write down all the things that you find fascinating about living on earth. Take your time on this, its an important piece of your self discovery journey. Feel free to add to it anytime something occurs to you.
When I was six years old I had what I can only describe as a "conversation with God". I used the word God, because at that time in my life I was at a Sunday school where we were taught the word God.
It's from this Sunday school that I got my first bible that I actually have to this day and has been with me 51 of my 57 years on this planet. That is a long time to have something remain in ones possession.
The bible came to me at a time of severe abuse that I was enduring as a child. That is perfect evidence for non-believers that if there was a God, he/she/it, wouldn't be allowing abuse to happen to children, right?
God isn't the abuser, the human making the choice to abuse is the abuser. We all have free will. We all have the opportunity to choose good over bad. We all have the ability to believe or not believe in something bigger than ourselves.
Man created religion. Man wrote the bible. Man stands before people on Sunday and says things to them in a church. Man instills fear that bad things happen to those who don't believe. The God you believe in, or don't believe in, isn't the one doing the talking, right?
We are taught that we must be "God like" and yet no one seems to have the same understanding of what that actually means. There are wars fought over this. People die over this.
Fear keeps us from believing and from not believing. Believers fear that bad things will happen to them if they don't believe and non believers fear that maybe there IS something divine that they are overlooking.
As we've talked about, fear is an illusion, it can only be found in your mind. You've been taught to fear by another human being who passed their beliefs on to you. You didn't get a chance to decide for yourself.
As we move through this next week of self discovery, keep an open mind. Trust that you are a part of something much bigger than yourself, because the truth of the matter is is that it’s the only true explanation for your existence.
January 26th, 2025 - Day 1 Week 4
In your notebook, write down all the things that you find fascinating about living on earth. Take your time on this, its an important piece of your self discovery journey. Feel free to add to it anytime something occurs to you.
When I was six years old I had what I can only describe as a "conversation with God". I used the word God, because at that time in my life I was at a Sunday school where we were taught the word God.
It's from this Sunday school that I got my first bible that I actually have to this day and has been with me 51 of my 57 years on this planet. That is a long time to have something remain in ones possession.
The bible came to me at a time of severe abuse that I was enduring as a child. That is perfect evidence for non-believers that if there was a God, he/she/it, wouldn't be allowing abuse to happen to children, right?
God isn't the abuser, the human making the choice to abuse is the abuser. We all have free will. We all have the opportunity to choose good over bad. We all have the ability to believe or not believe in something bigger than ourselves.
Man created religion. Man wrote the bible. Man stands before people on Sunday and says things to them in a church. Man instills fear that bad things happen to those who don't believe. The God you believe in, or don't believe in, isn't the one doing the talking, right?
We are taught that we must be "God like" and yet no one seems to have the same understanding of what that actually means. There are wars fought over this. People die over this.
Fear keeps us from believing and from not believing. Believers fear that bad things will happen to them if they don't believe and non believers fear that maybe there IS something divine that they are overlooking.
As we've talked about, fear is an illusion, it can only be found in your mind. You've been taught to fear by another human being who passed their beliefs on to you. You didn't get a chance to decide for yourself.
As we move through this next week of self discovery, keep an open mind. Trust that you are a part of something much bigger than yourself, because the truth of the matter is is that it’s the only true explanation for your existence.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 25th, 2025 - Day 7 Week 3
Week three was all about the importance of pure intentions and that pure and impure intentions must be kept in balance.
1. Because we are all energy, our intentions will carry frequency or vibration out to the universe.
2. Positivity plays a major rule in whether or not your intentions land on the side of pure or impure intentions.
3. When you go messing where you shouldn't be messing, the result will never come out in your favor.
4. Get rid of any "junk" that doesn't belong to you and make amends in yourself for the "junk" that you have to own.
5. Authenticity is the highest frequency on earth.
6. Faith isn't about believing in something, its about believing in yourself.
7. Ego does not have your best interest at heart.
During week four we are going to talk about "source" - God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Allah - and many other descriptions that we use to describe something bigger than ourselves.
All of our beliefs about source were written by a human and their understanding of having faith in something that cannot be seen.
Regardless of what you call "it", the relationship you have with "it" will play a role in your life's journey.
January 25th, 2025 - Day 7 Week 3
Week three was all about the importance of pure intentions and that pure and impure intentions must be kept in balance.
1. Because we are all energy, our intentions will carry frequency or vibration out to the universe.
2. Positivity plays a major rule in whether or not your intentions land on the side of pure or impure intentions.
3. When you go messing where you shouldn't be messing, the result will never come out in your favor.
4. Get rid of any "junk" that doesn't belong to you and make amends in yourself for the "junk" that you have to own.
5. Authenticity is the highest frequency on earth.
6. Faith isn't about believing in something, its about believing in yourself.
7. Ego does not have your best interest at heart.
During week four we are going to talk about "source" - God, Creator, Higher Power, Universe, Allah - and many other descriptions that we use to describe something bigger than ourselves.
All of our beliefs about source were written by a human and their understanding of having faith in something that cannot be seen.
Regardless of what you call "it", the relationship you have with "it" will play a role in your life's journey.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 24th, 2025 - Day 6 Week 3
When you feel that urge to act on an impure intention, ask yourself this simple question, is it ego or is it soul that is propelling me at this moment?
We've already established that your ego has zero concern about anything except itself and your soul waits quietly in the wings for you to figure this out.
Chances are it will always be your ego that has little concern for the outcome of any given situation and only wants that brief moment of victory of getting what it wanted. Then what?
In your notebook write about a time that you ignored your inner wisdom and then you had to deal with the fall out of a situation that you thought you wanted to begin with.
Without knowing your situation or the outcome, I feel certain that there was a moment (or two) where you were given an opportunity (or two) to opt out of the situation and go a different route.
We are always given the chance to do all things with pure intention. There is no need for anyone else to get splattered from whatever bad choice you are leaning towards. You can avoid hurting them and yourself.
This is the rule of thumb when it comes to impure and pure intentions - does it feel right? If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. If it feels right, do it. Simple as that. We are the ones who make it complicated by listening to ego.
It's okay to not be the centre of attention. It's okay to let others have their moment to shine. It's okay to move quietly through life achieving your purpose for being here in the first place.
When you come to the realization that there isn't a single person on this earth who matters more than yourself, you will want to ensure that you do all things with pure intentions. You will want only good for yourself.
That isn't being selfish. That is being selfless. It is being more concerned with your soul than with your ego. It's about ensuring that your soul gets heard when everything around you is trying to ensure it doesn't get heard.
January 24th, 2025 - Day 6 Week 3
When you feel that urge to act on an impure intention, ask yourself this simple question, is it ego or is it soul that is propelling me at this moment?
We've already established that your ego has zero concern about anything except itself and your soul waits quietly in the wings for you to figure this out.
Chances are it will always be your ego that has little concern for the outcome of any given situation and only wants that brief moment of victory of getting what it wanted. Then what?
In your notebook write about a time that you ignored your inner wisdom and then you had to deal with the fall out of a situation that you thought you wanted to begin with.
Without knowing your situation or the outcome, I feel certain that there was a moment (or two) where you were given an opportunity (or two) to opt out of the situation and go a different route.
We are always given the chance to do all things with pure intention. There is no need for anyone else to get splattered from whatever bad choice you are leaning towards. You can avoid hurting them and yourself.
This is the rule of thumb when it comes to impure and pure intentions - does it feel right? If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. If it feels right, do it. Simple as that. We are the ones who make it complicated by listening to ego.
It's okay to not be the centre of attention. It's okay to let others have their moment to shine. It's okay to move quietly through life achieving your purpose for being here in the first place.
When you come to the realization that there isn't a single person on this earth who matters more than yourself, you will want to ensure that you do all things with pure intentions. You will want only good for yourself.
That isn't being selfish. That is being selfless. It is being more concerned with your soul than with your ego. It's about ensuring that your soul gets heard when everything around you is trying to ensure it doesn't get heard.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 23rd, 2025 - Day 5 Week 3
Self discovery isn't a meantime thing, it’s a lifestyle. It's getting up every day and deciding that you are in control of nothing except how you react to being in control of nothing.
It's about accepting that there are purposeful things going on in the universe that you will never fully understand and yet you still need to be mindful of those things.
Mostly it entails trusting that your purpose isn't defined by what others have told you, but can only be discovered with genuine faith on your part.
Faith isn't about believing in something, its about believing in yourself. Nothing externally is going to come and save you. Your belief in yourself is what is going to "save" you.
If your intention in life is to find a person who is going to be able to fill your perceived "holes" in yourself, you will be seeking that person out for the length of your time here.
However, if your intention is to accept that you possess everything that is required to live a blessed life, then the right person will be attracted to that energy. Like attracts like.
The point is this, its an impure intention to expect someone else to fill you up. An impure intention will only ever bring negativity until you decide to do the right thing.
This is not to say that you shouldn't seek out beings that you can relate to. What it means is to bring beings into your circle who want only what is best for you.
It can be hurtful to find out that beings who you surrounded yourself with didn't actually want to see you become a better version of yourself. Their intentions where impure.
In your notebook write about a time that you didn't want someone else to succeed and a time that someone didn't want you to succeed. (Nothing positive will ever come from feeling this way.)
January 23rd, 2025 - Day 5 Week 3
Self discovery isn't a meantime thing, it’s a lifestyle. It's getting up every day and deciding that you are in control of nothing except how you react to being in control of nothing.
It's about accepting that there are purposeful things going on in the universe that you will never fully understand and yet you still need to be mindful of those things.
Mostly it entails trusting that your purpose isn't defined by what others have told you, but can only be discovered with genuine faith on your part.
Faith isn't about believing in something, its about believing in yourself. Nothing externally is going to come and save you. Your belief in yourself is what is going to "save" you.
If your intention in life is to find a person who is going to be able to fill your perceived "holes" in yourself, you will be seeking that person out for the length of your time here.
However, if your intention is to accept that you possess everything that is required to live a blessed life, then the right person will be attracted to that energy. Like attracts like.
The point is this, its an impure intention to expect someone else to fill you up. An impure intention will only ever bring negativity until you decide to do the right thing.
This is not to say that you shouldn't seek out beings that you can relate to. What it means is to bring beings into your circle who want only what is best for you.
It can be hurtful to find out that beings who you surrounded yourself with didn't actually want to see you become a better version of yourself. Their intentions where impure.
In your notebook write about a time that you didn't want someone else to succeed and a time that someone didn't want you to succeed. (Nothing positive will ever come from feeling this way.)
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 22nd, 2025 - Day 4 Week 3
It is impossible to be positive all the time. We aren't machines, although I wonder sometimes if our technology isn't numbing us all out…but that's a story for another time.
Our humanness presents us with emotions on a daily basis that we have a split second to determine if we want it or if we don't want it. Joy at seeing a puppy; joy at seeing an enemy hurting - both offer a chance to feel something.
The emotions that course through our being at any given moment offer an opportunity to be aware that you are aware. Are you angry? Are you envious? Are you blessed? Are you loved?
I'll bet that when you become aware that you are aware, you are going to want to keep the feelings that make you feel good and get rid of anything that brings doom and gloom feelings.
Love is the second highest frequency in the universe. The highest frequency of all is - authenticity. To be authentic means to be aware that you are aware and from that comes a sense of positivity about life's truths.
When you understand that being positive means to be authentic it is short leap from there to recognizing the importance of protecting your being from the nonsense of others that has nothing to do with you at all.
And on the flip side of that, your own nonsense that has nothing to with anyone else either. You are you and they are them. Neither has any affect on the other. You may think they do, but they do not.
This is why it is crucial that your positivity remains authentic for your greater good. It doesn't matter what anyone else has going on. The only thing that will ever matter is how authentic you are with yourself.
For you to be able to attract the goodness that you want into your life you will need to let go of the notion that it is selfish to love yourself first. Loving yourself authentically is why you are here.
In your notebook write down times that you felt authentic and times when you felt like you were faking it.
January 22nd, 2025 - Day 4 Week 3
It is impossible to be positive all the time. We aren't machines, although I wonder sometimes if our technology isn't numbing us all out…but that's a story for another time.
Our humanness presents us with emotions on a daily basis that we have a split second to determine if we want it or if we don't want it. Joy at seeing a puppy; joy at seeing an enemy hurting - both offer a chance to feel something.
The emotions that course through our being at any given moment offer an opportunity to be aware that you are aware. Are you angry? Are you envious? Are you blessed? Are you loved?
I'll bet that when you become aware that you are aware, you are going to want to keep the feelings that make you feel good and get rid of anything that brings doom and gloom feelings.
Love is the second highest frequency in the universe. The highest frequency of all is - authenticity. To be authentic means to be aware that you are aware and from that comes a sense of positivity about life's truths.
When you understand that being positive means to be authentic it is short leap from there to recognizing the importance of protecting your being from the nonsense of others that has nothing to do with you at all.
And on the flip side of that, your own nonsense that has nothing to with anyone else either. You are you and they are them. Neither has any affect on the other. You may think they do, but they do not.
This is why it is crucial that your positivity remains authentic for your greater good. It doesn't matter what anyone else has going on. The only thing that will ever matter is how authentic you are with yourself.
For you to be able to attract the goodness that you want into your life you will need to let go of the notion that it is selfish to love yourself first. Loving yourself authentically is why you are here.
In your notebook write down times that you felt authentic and times when you felt like you were faking it.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 21st, 2025 - Day 3 Week 3
An intention whether its pure or impure, can only exist in your mind because you want it to be there. We've already discussed in length what it means to be aware that you are aware. (Remember: Say happiness without using your mouth).
Anything done with a pure intention will never result in a negative. All things done with an impure intention will never result in a positive. The time is now for you to decide if you want positives or negatives in your life.
A pure intention means that you did something that didn't bring harm to another being. An impure intention is knowingly doing something that will bring harm to another being. You have to decide which is more important to you.
When you choose that it is more important to have self-respect, life gets a whole lot less complicated. Instead of carrying the burden of "scheming" against others, you have the freedom to just be.
The heaviness that many feel is because they are carrying around emotional junk that they took on when it was in their heart to cause another being unnecessary hardship. It's heavy because at the core of our being we know its wrong to hurt anyone.
Your heaviness, compounded with everyone else's heaviness, generates negative energy, frequencies, and vibrations. Like attracts like. But, when you do things with pure intentions, the opposite will occur.
Your peace, compounded with everyone else's peace, generates positive energy, frequencies, and vibrations. Like attracts like. Do you see now how very powerful we are as a being?
Write about a time that you witnessed someone's peace and how that made you feel. Do the same when you witnessed someone's heaviness and how that made you feel.
If you are able to see this in others, you should also know that others can see this in you. Knowing this isn't to judge this. It should simply be used as a gauge to determine what is best for you in life.
Do you want to attract positives? Then you need to be positive. You need to consider every action you take in your life and decide if you want the freedom to be you, or if you want unnecessary junk to carry around.
January 21st, 2025 - Day 3 Week 3
An intention whether its pure or impure, can only exist in your mind because you want it to be there. We've already discussed in length what it means to be aware that you are aware. (Remember: Say happiness without using your mouth).
Anything done with a pure intention will never result in a negative. All things done with an impure intention will never result in a positive. The time is now for you to decide if you want positives or negatives in your life.
A pure intention means that you did something that didn't bring harm to another being. An impure intention is knowingly doing something that will bring harm to another being. You have to decide which is more important to you.
When you choose that it is more important to have self-respect, life gets a whole lot less complicated. Instead of carrying the burden of "scheming" against others, you have the freedom to just be.
The heaviness that many feel is because they are carrying around emotional junk that they took on when it was in their heart to cause another being unnecessary hardship. It's heavy because at the core of our being we know its wrong to hurt anyone.
Your heaviness, compounded with everyone else's heaviness, generates negative energy, frequencies, and vibrations. Like attracts like. But, when you do things with pure intentions, the opposite will occur.
Your peace, compounded with everyone else's peace, generates positive energy, frequencies, and vibrations. Like attracts like. Do you see now how very powerful we are as a being?
Write about a time that you witnessed someone's peace and how that made you feel. Do the same when you witnessed someone's heaviness and how that made you feel.
If you are able to see this in others, you should also know that others can see this in you. Knowing this isn't to judge this. It should simply be used as a gauge to determine what is best for you in life.
Do you want to attract positives? Then you need to be positive. You need to consider every action you take in your life and decide if you want the freedom to be you, or if you want unnecessary junk to carry around.
13 Weeks to Self Discovery
January 20th, 2025 - Day 2 Week 3
If you and I have to keep our pure and impure intentions in balance, wouldn't it make sense that everyone else has to do the same thing? That is the truth, and is why we see chaos and peace all mixed into one.
On the one hand you have people who hold anger closely to their heart and then you have people whose empathy can be felt the second you bring them into your existence. This is the push and pull of the universe that is maneuvered by our energy, frequencies, and vibrations.
We spoke a bit about this yesterday, the need for everyone's pure and impure intentions to be kept in balance so that everything else can be kept in balance too. Yes, we are that powerful.
I know that I'm not the only one who always had an understanding that for us to find peace we had to come together as beings and create that peace. It seemed like such an impossibility to me. How on earth would we ever connect with each other in such a way?
These thoughts occurred to me long before we had the technology that exists today. Now I see what I knew but didn't know. Grasping that I had to trust more than I was to know, was the biggest aha moment of my life.
We're not supposed to force an outcome for anything. We are to trust that our intentions are pure, that we've done the right thing, and that remaining true to self will being the results we are seeking.
The challenge with this for all of us is that we go messing where we shouldn't be messing. We become displeased with the length of time its taking or that someone else is "getting ahead" while we're not. We self-sabotage the outcome with our misunderstandings about universal perfection.
What looks to us like we've been forgotten is actually the universe lining everything up for us to have a positive outcome. Our impishness as a being causes us to take control of something we cannot control and we end our turn.
If you've never researched how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, I'd like for you to do that today. Next to a woman's ability to birth a child, it’s the most fascinating of nature's miracles.
Once you've educated yourself on the metamorphosis of this miracle, take a moment and write about the times you wanted something to change in your life, but you were too impatient to wait for it to happen.
What was the outcome when you interceded because you thought you knew what was best? Like the caterpillar, when their change is interrupted, your dreams died a similar death, because you went messing where you shouldn't have been messing.
January 20th, 2025 - Day 2 Week 3
If you and I have to keep our pure and impure intentions in balance, wouldn't it make sense that everyone else has to do the same thing? That is the truth, and is why we see chaos and peace all mixed into one.
On the one hand you have people who hold anger closely to their heart and then you have people whose empathy can be felt the second you bring them into your existence. This is the push and pull of the universe that is maneuvered by our energy, frequencies, and vibrations.
We spoke a bit about this yesterday, the need for everyone's pure and impure intentions to be kept in balance so that everything else can be kept in balance too. Yes, we are that powerful.
I know that I'm not the only one who always had an understanding that for us to find peace we had to come together as beings and create that peace. It seemed like such an impossibility to me. How on earth would we ever connect with each other in such a way?
These thoughts occurred to me long before we had the technology that exists today. Now I see what I knew but didn't know. Grasping that I had to trust more than I was to know, was the biggest aha moment of my life.
We're not supposed to force an outcome for anything. We are to trust that our intentions are pure, that we've done the right thing, and that remaining true to self will being the results we are seeking.
The challenge with this for all of us is that we go messing where we shouldn't be messing. We become displeased with the length of time its taking or that someone else is "getting ahead" while we're not. We self-sabotage the outcome with our misunderstandings about universal perfection.
What looks to us like we've been forgotten is actually the universe lining everything up for us to have a positive outcome. Our impishness as a being causes us to take control of something we cannot control and we end our turn.
If you've never researched how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, I'd like for you to do that today. Next to a woman's ability to birth a child, it’s the most fascinating of nature's miracles.
Once you've educated yourself on the metamorphosis of this miracle, take a moment and write about the times you wanted something to change in your life, but you were too impatient to wait for it to happen.
What was the outcome when you interceded because you thought you knew what was best? Like the caterpillar, when their change is interrupted, your dreams died a similar death, because you went messing where you shouldn't have been messing.
January 19th, 2025 - Day 1 Week 3
Do all things with pure intentions. This means that every decision you make must not involve intentionally hurting another living thing. If it is in your heart to purposely cause harm to another being, you are acting on impure intentions.
And because of the law of physics that says "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction", your impure intention has just guaranteed a return to you at some point along your journey.
Some call it karma, I call it the universe having to keep energy, frequencies, and vibrations in balance. No bad deed goes unpunished and no good deed goes without a reward.
That's why you see "good things happen to bad people" and "bad things happen to good people". You don't have an inside track on anyone else's good and bad intentions, so you're never going to understand the logic that comes with that.
Besides, you have way more than enough of your own intentions to worry about, right? You have done things with pure and impure intentions before, right?
In your notebook, write down times in your life where you purposely caused harm to someone else and also the times that you felt you were harmed by someone else. Is there a balance there between what you did and what was done to you?
The thing about impure and pure intentions is that we don't get to decide when the good or bad return takes place. They can happen at any time and seem to happen when we don't want them to and when we really need them to.
It's mind boggling to think of how many things need to line up perfectly for your life to happen on a second by second basis. Our humanness has zero capability of understanding this, and for good reason. It would drive us mad.
Thankfully though, there is something much bigger than ourselves ensuring that all is kept in order. It may seem like mayhem to us, but everything is happening exactly as it should be whether we know it or not.
Take a moment to write down "coincidences" that had you pause for a second and wonder what the meaning was behind it. There are no accidents. There is only the balance of pure and impure intentions.
Do all things with pure intentions. This means that every decision you make must not involve intentionally hurting another living thing. If it is in your heart to purposely cause harm to another being, you are acting on impure intentions.
And because of the law of physics that says "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction", your impure intention has just guaranteed a return to you at some point along your journey.
Some call it karma, I call it the universe having to keep energy, frequencies, and vibrations in balance. No bad deed goes unpunished and no good deed goes without a reward.
That's why you see "good things happen to bad people" and "bad things happen to good people". You don't have an inside track on anyone else's good and bad intentions, so you're never going to understand the logic that comes with that.
Besides, you have way more than enough of your own intentions to worry about, right? You have done things with pure and impure intentions before, right?
In your notebook, write down times in your life where you purposely caused harm to someone else and also the times that you felt you were harmed by someone else. Is there a balance there between what you did and what was done to you?
The thing about impure and pure intentions is that we don't get to decide when the good or bad return takes place. They can happen at any time and seem to happen when we don't want them to and when we really need them to.
It's mind boggling to think of how many things need to line up perfectly for your life to happen on a second by second basis. Our humanness has zero capability of understanding this, and for good reason. It would drive us mad.
Thankfully though, there is something much bigger than ourselves ensuring that all is kept in order. It may seem like mayhem to us, but everything is happening exactly as it should be whether we know it or not.
Take a moment to write down "coincidences" that had you pause for a second and wonder what the meaning was behind it. There are no accidents. There is only the balance of pure and impure intentions.
January 18th, 2025 - Day 7 Week 2
Week two has focused on limiting beliefs and what an integral part they play in how we live, or don't live, our life. If you cannot let go of a limiting belief you will remain stuck in a belief that wasn't yours to begin with.
1. Find your truths about yourself and let the rest of the limiting beliefs go.
2. You can change a limiting belief anytime you want to. You are that powerful.
3. Don't strive for perfection because you will never achieve it. Be okay with being perfectly imperfect.
4. Having a limiting belief means that you distrust yourself to make good decisions. Of all the people on the planet, there is no one you should trust more than yourself.
5. It's okay to question everything you've ever know about the world you live in.
6. Healing is mandatory on the journey of self-awareness. Release the junk that isn't yours and replace it with what you want in your life.
Week three is going to focus on positivity. You cannot feel two emotions at the same time. When you're angry, you are angry. When you feel joy, you are joyful. Neither of these emotions can exist in the same moment.
There is no way that anyone can remain positive all the time because there are things that we cannot control that side swipe us at any given moment and give us an alternative emotion to feel. That's perfectly natural.
What you need to be able to do in those moments is rise above an unexpected situation and grasp onto the positives that will evolve when you do all things with pure intentions.
Week two has focused on limiting beliefs and what an integral part they play in how we live, or don't live, our life. If you cannot let go of a limiting belief you will remain stuck in a belief that wasn't yours to begin with.
1. Find your truths about yourself and let the rest of the limiting beliefs go.
2. You can change a limiting belief anytime you want to. You are that powerful.
3. Don't strive for perfection because you will never achieve it. Be okay with being perfectly imperfect.
4. Having a limiting belief means that you distrust yourself to make good decisions. Of all the people on the planet, there is no one you should trust more than yourself.
5. It's okay to question everything you've ever know about the world you live in.
6. Healing is mandatory on the journey of self-awareness. Release the junk that isn't yours and replace it with what you want in your life.
Week three is going to focus on positivity. You cannot feel two emotions at the same time. When you're angry, you are angry. When you feel joy, you are joyful. Neither of these emotions can exist in the same moment.
There is no way that anyone can remain positive all the time because there are things that we cannot control that side swipe us at any given moment and give us an alternative emotion to feel. That's perfectly natural.
What you need to be able to do in those moments is rise above an unexpected situation and grasp onto the positives that will evolve when you do all things with pure intentions.
January 17th, 2025 - Day 6 Week 2
Healing oneself is a huge part of the self-awareness journey. In order to live the life you want to live you will need to feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually ready.
In your notebook write down how you see yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Where do you excel and where do you feel you need some improvement?
If your list is long and feels like it will be an impossibility to overcome, you aren't alone. Every single person who took this journey had to travel down this path. It is doable, if you want to do it.
First and foremost, understand that you are already half way to improving yourself simply because you determined that it was time to love yourself in a way that no one else ever can.
The last half of healing is to forgive yourself and to forgive others for anything that you perceive has deterred you from having a close and personal relationship with yourself.
After today you will need to own all reasons for why you aren't where you want to be in life, because when you know better, you should always do better. And now you know better.
Using the list you wrote down today, determine what on that list is within your control and what on that list is not within your control.
Do you need to speak with a therapist about your emotional well-being? Are you able to take a walk around the block on a daily basis? Does your faith/belief in something bigger than yourself need attention?
These are three things that are in your control and for which you can become accountable and responsible for on a daily basis. Healing your mind is within your control.
When you take ownership of your well-being it is inevitable that the healing process will begin without you even realizing it in most cases. There is no greater gift that you can give to yourself than the gift of self-love.
Healing oneself is a huge part of the self-awareness journey. In order to live the life you want to live you will need to feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually ready.
In your notebook write down how you see yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Where do you excel and where do you feel you need some improvement?
If your list is long and feels like it will be an impossibility to overcome, you aren't alone. Every single person who took this journey had to travel down this path. It is doable, if you want to do it.
First and foremost, understand that you are already half way to improving yourself simply because you determined that it was time to love yourself in a way that no one else ever can.
The last half of healing is to forgive yourself and to forgive others for anything that you perceive has deterred you from having a close and personal relationship with yourself.
After today you will need to own all reasons for why you aren't where you want to be in life, because when you know better, you should always do better. And now you know better.
Using the list you wrote down today, determine what on that list is within your control and what on that list is not within your control.
Do you need to speak with a therapist about your emotional well-being? Are you able to take a walk around the block on a daily basis? Does your faith/belief in something bigger than yourself need attention?
These are three things that are in your control and for which you can become accountable and responsible for on a daily basis. Healing your mind is within your control.
When you take ownership of your well-being it is inevitable that the healing process will begin without you even realizing it in most cases. There is no greater gift that you can give to yourself than the gift of self-love.
January 16th, 2025 - Day 5 Week 2
We've established that you have a subconscious that stores a ton of information that you cannot easily access. The reasons for this will never be adequately explained by another human being. It's a why with no answer.
Suffice to say that your brain is a complicated organ that our humanness will never fully understand. Thankfully we do have the ability to be aware that we are aware. That's pretty spectacular in the whole scheme of things!
Accepting that you have limiting beliefs is awareness. Learning how to overcome limiting beliefs is awareness. Recognizing that your mind has unlimited power is awareness. Using that power for good is why we are here.
In order to release a limiting belief you have to be prepared to replace it with your truth. This can mean that you have to make changes in your life which will immediately trigger your fear factor.
Sometimes the changes we have to make will mean leaving a relationship, a job, or a friendship. It will mean removing from your life anything that brings toxicity and mayhem.
We think we shouldn't end these because we made a "commitment" to see them through. We want to be a good and loyal person so we stick it out even when we live in daily misery. We are not meant to live this way.
You have to remember that every law, rule, guideline, regulation, and policy was written by the human hand. Someone way back when decided what was the right thing to do and being creatures of habit, we do them.
We've been taught to believe that straying away from the norm will get us into some sort of trouble. Will it though? What is the worse case scenario if you decide one day that you want to live life on your terms?
In your notebook write down personal rules that you follow because its what you've always done. Beside that write what would happen if you didn't follow that personal rule.
There ARE things we must do in life to protect one another's right to life. But there are also things that we don't have to do if it is taking away our right to live the life we want to live.
We've established that you have a subconscious that stores a ton of information that you cannot easily access. The reasons for this will never be adequately explained by another human being. It's a why with no answer.
Suffice to say that your brain is a complicated organ that our humanness will never fully understand. Thankfully we do have the ability to be aware that we are aware. That's pretty spectacular in the whole scheme of things!
Accepting that you have limiting beliefs is awareness. Learning how to overcome limiting beliefs is awareness. Recognizing that your mind has unlimited power is awareness. Using that power for good is why we are here.
In order to release a limiting belief you have to be prepared to replace it with your truth. This can mean that you have to make changes in your life which will immediately trigger your fear factor.
Sometimes the changes we have to make will mean leaving a relationship, a job, or a friendship. It will mean removing from your life anything that brings toxicity and mayhem.
We think we shouldn't end these because we made a "commitment" to see them through. We want to be a good and loyal person so we stick it out even when we live in daily misery. We are not meant to live this way.
You have to remember that every law, rule, guideline, regulation, and policy was written by the human hand. Someone way back when decided what was the right thing to do and being creatures of habit, we do them.
We've been taught to believe that straying away from the norm will get us into some sort of trouble. Will it though? What is the worse case scenario if you decide one day that you want to live life on your terms?
In your notebook write down personal rules that you follow because its what you've always done. Beside that write what would happen if you didn't follow that personal rule.
There ARE things we must do in life to protect one another's right to life. But there are also things that we don't have to do if it is taking away our right to live the life we want to live.
January 15th, 2025 - Day 4 Week 2
When you limit your belief in yourself you have no choice but to distrust your own ability to make good decisions on your behalf.
Think back to a time in your life where you were faced with making a decision that could change everything for yourself. Was the decision made easily or did you do the back in forth in your mind?
Were there a lot of "what ifs" that weren't on the positive side, but were pointing out all the things that could go wrong if you didn't make the right decision?
Did you take the decision you had to make and present it to someone else for them to make the decision for you? Is what they suggested you do the decision you wanted or what they would have done?
This entire process of self-doubt and self-sabotage all goes directly back to the moment in time that someone instilled a limiting belief in your mind that you didn't even know was there.
What were your lessons in life when it came to money, love, health, material items etc.? Were you taught that there was an abundance of these things or that they were only for a select few?
Growing up in a home where you saw Mom and Dad pinching pennies led you to believe that money was scarce and as an adult you fret about how you're going to be able to pay your bills. You are limiting your ability to have abundance.
Growing up in a home where you saw your parents fighting a lot led you to believe that love was supposed to hurt and as an adult you would seek out people who would hurt you. You are limiting your ability to understand that love isn't suppose to hurt.
In your notebook write down all the things that you feel you are lacking in your life. Leave a space under each one to write down why you think you are lacking them.
In your notebook write down all the things that you feel gratitude for in your life. Leave a space under each one to write down why you are feeling gratitude for them.
When you limit your belief in yourself you have no choice but to distrust your own ability to make good decisions on your behalf.
Think back to a time in your life where you were faced with making a decision that could change everything for yourself. Was the decision made easily or did you do the back in forth in your mind?
Were there a lot of "what ifs" that weren't on the positive side, but were pointing out all the things that could go wrong if you didn't make the right decision?
Did you take the decision you had to make and present it to someone else for them to make the decision for you? Is what they suggested you do the decision you wanted or what they would have done?
This entire process of self-doubt and self-sabotage all goes directly back to the moment in time that someone instilled a limiting belief in your mind that you didn't even know was there.
What were your lessons in life when it came to money, love, health, material items etc.? Were you taught that there was an abundance of these things or that they were only for a select few?
Growing up in a home where you saw Mom and Dad pinching pennies led you to believe that money was scarce and as an adult you fret about how you're going to be able to pay your bills. You are limiting your ability to have abundance.
Growing up in a home where you saw your parents fighting a lot led you to believe that love was supposed to hurt and as an adult you would seek out people who would hurt you. You are limiting your ability to understand that love isn't suppose to hurt.
In your notebook write down all the things that you feel you are lacking in your life. Leave a space under each one to write down why you think you are lacking them.
In your notebook write down all the things that you feel gratitude for in your life. Leave a space under each one to write down why you are feeling gratitude for them.
January 14th, 2025 - Day 3 Week 2
For you to have a limiting belief is to imply in someway that you are not perfection, either in someone else's mind or in your mind. You were told negatives to plant an untruth in your mind that you unknowingly accepted.
Your mind doesn't know anything different than what it is told. If you convince your mind that 1 + 1 = 3, than that is what it will believe. It "trusts" that the info it is receiving is "perfection".
The truth of the matter is that nothing that is made by humans is perfection. Every single thing that we've ever invented is not complete and is in constant need of improvement.
The only things that ARE perfection have nothing to do with human thought. They are things that come from a place of perfection and should hold you in awe every time you look at them. Your biology, the universe, the planets, nature, water, other species, the four seasons, and similar other awesomeness that are all perfection and happen with no input from humans.
You are NOT meant to be perfection, and you are certainly not meant to be what someone else believes to be the perfection that they themselves haven't achieved.
Trying to reverse a limiting belief is not easy. Your mind has developed a habit of repeating the limiting belief over and over and we all know how hard it is to replace a negative habit with a positive habit. It takes work.
Select one of the negative "truths" that you wrote down that you believe to be correct about yourself. What kinds of feelings surge up inside you when you do this? Pick just one of the feelings and sit with it for a moment.
What you should realize when doing this is that the only place that these feelings exist is in your mind. You have the ability to feel them and you have the ability to not feel them just by focusing on them.
Do you realize now that what was given to you as a limiting belief is only there because you are keeping it there? At anytime you can remove the limiting belief and replace it with the positives that you want in your life.
For you to have a limiting belief is to imply in someway that you are not perfection, either in someone else's mind or in your mind. You were told negatives to plant an untruth in your mind that you unknowingly accepted.
Your mind doesn't know anything different than what it is told. If you convince your mind that 1 + 1 = 3, than that is what it will believe. It "trusts" that the info it is receiving is "perfection".
The truth of the matter is that nothing that is made by humans is perfection. Every single thing that we've ever invented is not complete and is in constant need of improvement.
The only things that ARE perfection have nothing to do with human thought. They are things that come from a place of perfection and should hold you in awe every time you look at them. Your biology, the universe, the planets, nature, water, other species, the four seasons, and similar other awesomeness that are all perfection and happen with no input from humans.
You are NOT meant to be perfection, and you are certainly not meant to be what someone else believes to be the perfection that they themselves haven't achieved.
Trying to reverse a limiting belief is not easy. Your mind has developed a habit of repeating the limiting belief over and over and we all know how hard it is to replace a negative habit with a positive habit. It takes work.
Select one of the negative "truths" that you wrote down that you believe to be correct about yourself. What kinds of feelings surge up inside you when you do this? Pick just one of the feelings and sit with it for a moment.
What you should realize when doing this is that the only place that these feelings exist is in your mind. You have the ability to feel them and you have the ability to not feel them just by focusing on them.
Do you realize now that what was given to you as a limiting belief is only there because you are keeping it there? At anytime you can remove the limiting belief and replace it with the positives that you want in your life.
January 13th, 2025 - Day 2 Week 2
A limiting belief was taught to you by someone else. Most likely it wasn’t done on purpose, but was done because that is what was taught to them.
"You are so stupid…you can't you do anything right…you'll never amount to anything…you can't do that…you're useless…why are you such an idiot…no one is going to love you…"
If you've heard words like that, and worse, than someone was putting a limiting belief into your mind that you ultimately had to believe because you didn't know any better.
Hearing a limiting belief over and over by someone else, and from yourself to yourself, will feel normal after awhile, but you still wonder why other people get to have what you want in life.
Chances are that they were not worn down by untruths that held them back from going after what it is that they wanted in life. Not to say that they don't have their own life issues, but they know how to overcome them.
Changing our mind is necessary and unavoidable. When we are presented with information that forces us to challenge a belief, we are given an opportunity to think in a different way.
To want to change something that you thought was correct but isn't true takes us way out of our "comfort zone" and for that reason some will choose to remain there because it is familiar.
The question you need to ask yourself is this: What is the worst case scenario if I go ahead and choose not to believe the negatives that have been taught to me throughout my life?
Take a moment now and write down a negative about yourself. Beside that, write what the worst possible outcome could be if you were to change the negative into something you want to be in life. Can you see where fear is the commonality to why you hold on to a limiting belief?
Not being perfect is a limiting belief. Striving for perfection is not achievable. The reason for this is that there are too many variables that have to take place in order for your life to exist. More on that tomorrow.
A limiting belief was taught to you by someone else. Most likely it wasn’t done on purpose, but was done because that is what was taught to them.
"You are so stupid…you can't you do anything right…you'll never amount to anything…you can't do that…you're useless…why are you such an idiot…no one is going to love you…"
If you've heard words like that, and worse, than someone was putting a limiting belief into your mind that you ultimately had to believe because you didn't know any better.
Hearing a limiting belief over and over by someone else, and from yourself to yourself, will feel normal after awhile, but you still wonder why other people get to have what you want in life.
Chances are that they were not worn down by untruths that held them back from going after what it is that they wanted in life. Not to say that they don't have their own life issues, but they know how to overcome them.
Changing our mind is necessary and unavoidable. When we are presented with information that forces us to challenge a belief, we are given an opportunity to think in a different way.
To want to change something that you thought was correct but isn't true takes us way out of our "comfort zone" and for that reason some will choose to remain there because it is familiar.
The question you need to ask yourself is this: What is the worst case scenario if I go ahead and choose not to believe the negatives that have been taught to me throughout my life?
Take a moment now and write down a negative about yourself. Beside that, write what the worst possible outcome could be if you were to change the negative into something you want to be in life. Can you see where fear is the commonality to why you hold on to a limiting belief?
Not being perfect is a limiting belief. Striving for perfection is not achievable. The reason for this is that there are too many variables that have to take place in order for your life to exist. More on that tomorrow.
January 12th, 2025 - Day 1 Week 2
Welcome to week two!
Along with your mind, ego, and soul, you also have a subconcious in your brain. We have very little access to the subconcious and probably should be thankful for that sometimes.
Buried in your subconscious are your fears, beliefs, expectations, and perspectives which control 95% of the way you react to what life throws at you and you don't even know it.
Your limiting beliefs are held in your subconscious.
What is a limiting belief? It is a negative that was taught to you that is so engrained in your mind that you accept it as truth. It's very hard to let go of a limiting belief, but once you do the possibilities in life are endless.
An example of a limiting belief is the image you have of your body. If you were taught that it was important what people thought of you and that having extra weight on was wrong, you'd strive everyday to be a thinner person.
You'd diet, exercise, get weight loss surgery, wear baggy clothes, and worst than all of that, you'd teach others that not being thin made you less of a person.
On top of everything else, you'd tell yourself that you are not a worthy person because you have extra weight. You'd believe you can't get the job you want or the mate you want because of your weight.
A limiting belief holds us back from going after what we all deserve to have in life and that is peace. The untruths that are kept in the subconscious hold us hostage.
Thankfully, you can overcome a limiting belief. Is it easy? No. Does it take some work on your part to remove them? Yes. Will you be a changed person once you do? Yes.
In your notebook, write down all the negative things that you think are truths about yourself. Tomorrow we'll start unravelling the truth about them.
Welcome to week two!
Along with your mind, ego, and soul, you also have a subconcious in your brain. We have very little access to the subconcious and probably should be thankful for that sometimes.
Buried in your subconscious are your fears, beliefs, expectations, and perspectives which control 95% of the way you react to what life throws at you and you don't even know it.
Your limiting beliefs are held in your subconscious.
What is a limiting belief? It is a negative that was taught to you that is so engrained in your mind that you accept it as truth. It's very hard to let go of a limiting belief, but once you do the possibilities in life are endless.
An example of a limiting belief is the image you have of your body. If you were taught that it was important what people thought of you and that having extra weight on was wrong, you'd strive everyday to be a thinner person.
You'd diet, exercise, get weight loss surgery, wear baggy clothes, and worst than all of that, you'd teach others that not being thin made you less of a person.
On top of everything else, you'd tell yourself that you are not a worthy person because you have extra weight. You'd believe you can't get the job you want or the mate you want because of your weight.
A limiting belief holds us back from going after what we all deserve to have in life and that is peace. The untruths that are kept in the subconscious hold us hostage.
Thankfully, you can overcome a limiting belief. Is it easy? No. Does it take some work on your part to remove them? Yes. Will you be a changed person once you do? Yes.
In your notebook, write down all the negative things that you think are truths about yourself. Tomorrow we'll start unravelling the truth about them.
January 11th, 2025 - Day 7 Week 1 - Week in Review
Week one is complete! Your takeaways from this week should include:
1. Your brain, taught in textbooks, is complicated. Your mind (not found in textbooks) has complexities too, but unlike your brain, you can change your mind anytime you want to!
2. Fear starts and ends in your mind. Fear cannot be found outside of yourself. You can end fear as quickly as you invited it into your life.
3. You are the observer of your thoughts. Anytime you want to test that theory, say the word happiness without using your mouth. How did you say it? How did you hear it?
4. No textbook can show you where the ego and soul are located in the brain, but you have both of these. Ego wants control. Soul wants peace. This is the back and forth "what ifs" that goes unchecked in your mind every day.
5. Focus on what you can control which is your reaction to anything that challenges your ego. Let it go. Focus on what you can control which is your soul's sensibility when guiding you towards peace.
6. Energy is found in every single thing on this planet. Including you. Like all energy, if used wisely, it will provide outcomes that are beneficial.
We spent week one learning about the daily "noise" that is generated by your mind on a second by second basis. Some of it you catch and some floats right on by.
During week two we are going to delve into the importance of cluing in to the noise that is floating by. This is where your limiting beliefs hinder you from living the life you know you want to live.
All of us have limiting beliefs. They were taught to us by the time we were six years old and then voided or affirmed by whomever crossed our path along the way.
What is a limiting belief? It is a negative teaching that is so engrained in your mind that you have accepted it as truth. It's very hard to let go of a limiting belief, but once you do, the possibilities in one's life are endless.
Week one is complete! Your takeaways from this week should include:
1. Your brain, taught in textbooks, is complicated. Your mind (not found in textbooks) has complexities too, but unlike your brain, you can change your mind anytime you want to!
2. Fear starts and ends in your mind. Fear cannot be found outside of yourself. You can end fear as quickly as you invited it into your life.
3. You are the observer of your thoughts. Anytime you want to test that theory, say the word happiness without using your mouth. How did you say it? How did you hear it?
4. No textbook can show you where the ego and soul are located in the brain, but you have both of these. Ego wants control. Soul wants peace. This is the back and forth "what ifs" that goes unchecked in your mind every day.
5. Focus on what you can control which is your reaction to anything that challenges your ego. Let it go. Focus on what you can control which is your soul's sensibility when guiding you towards peace.
6. Energy is found in every single thing on this planet. Including you. Like all energy, if used wisely, it will provide outcomes that are beneficial.
We spent week one learning about the daily "noise" that is generated by your mind on a second by second basis. Some of it you catch and some floats right on by.
During week two we are going to delve into the importance of cluing in to the noise that is floating by. This is where your limiting beliefs hinder you from living the life you know you want to live.
All of us have limiting beliefs. They were taught to us by the time we were six years old and then voided or affirmed by whomever crossed our path along the way.
What is a limiting belief? It is a negative teaching that is so engrained in your mind that you have accepted it as truth. It's very hard to let go of a limiting belief, but once you do, the possibilities in one's life are endless.
January 10th, 2025 - Day 6 Week 1
Whether we acknowledge it or not we crave a connection that goes far deeper than our mind could ever comprehend. There are reasons why no human's mind has access to why we are here. The reasons are too sophisticated for our primative mind to understand.
So, we come up with things like the matrix, or quantum physics, or God, to give us some sort of understanding as to why we are floating on a sphere in the middle of nowhere. Our minds are not evolved enough to grasp the truth of that.
What your mind DOES have the capability of doing is to learn the power that thought has and how to make it work to your advantage. Some call it prayer, I call it manifesting. Either way, you are generating a thought hoping for a result.
The question becomes though, to whom or what are you sending these thoughts to? Who or what do you think is out there that is going to hear you and respond? This question befuddles believers and non-believers.
Call "it" what you will, it does not matter in the whole scheme of things. What matters the most is that YOU believe in your source, because you will need trust in something much bigger than yourself in order for your requests to come your way.
Based on all the research that is out there, I think we can agree that we are energy. If you doubt that, rub your feet on a rug and then touch a light switch. You wouldn't get a shock if you were just flesh and bones.
If the energy you are generating is low it means you live life with negativity. If the energy you generate is high, that means that you are more about the positives of life. Authenticity is the highest energy. Hate is the lowest.
Assess your energy level at the moment. Not the surface energy, but the thought energy. Does it feel negative or does it feel positive? Write down both the positives and the negatives taking place in your life at the moment. Which one has a bigger hold on your life?
Focusing on the negatives will always cause you do keep your energy level low. You cannot attract positive returns when you don't really mean them.
Like attracts like. It's up to you to change your mind anytime you want.
Whether we acknowledge it or not we crave a connection that goes far deeper than our mind could ever comprehend. There are reasons why no human's mind has access to why we are here. The reasons are too sophisticated for our primative mind to understand.
So, we come up with things like the matrix, or quantum physics, or God, to give us some sort of understanding as to why we are floating on a sphere in the middle of nowhere. Our minds are not evolved enough to grasp the truth of that.
What your mind DOES have the capability of doing is to learn the power that thought has and how to make it work to your advantage. Some call it prayer, I call it manifesting. Either way, you are generating a thought hoping for a result.
The question becomes though, to whom or what are you sending these thoughts to? Who or what do you think is out there that is going to hear you and respond? This question befuddles believers and non-believers.
Call "it" what you will, it does not matter in the whole scheme of things. What matters the most is that YOU believe in your source, because you will need trust in something much bigger than yourself in order for your requests to come your way.
Based on all the research that is out there, I think we can agree that we are energy. If you doubt that, rub your feet on a rug and then touch a light switch. You wouldn't get a shock if you were just flesh and bones.
If the energy you are generating is low it means you live life with negativity. If the energy you generate is high, that means that you are more about the positives of life. Authenticity is the highest energy. Hate is the lowest.
Assess your energy level at the moment. Not the surface energy, but the thought energy. Does it feel negative or does it feel positive? Write down both the positives and the negatives taking place in your life at the moment. Which one has a bigger hold on your life?
Focusing on the negatives will always cause you do keep your energy level low. You cannot attract positive returns when you don't really mean them.
Like attracts like. It's up to you to change your mind anytime you want.
January 9th, 2025 - Day 5 Week 1
The Serenity Prayer teaches us to know the difference between what we can control and what we cannot control. Societal rules also teach us that we have limitations as to what is within our control and what isn't.
What if I was to tell you that external control is an illusion and that the only thing you will ever have control over is your ego or your soul's reaction to any situation? To think otherwise is to create fear and anxiety, both of which, like control, are an illusion.
If I asked you to take me and show me where your fear and anxiety are outside of your mind, where would you take me? There isn't any place outside of your mind that has the fear and anxiety you think is there.
You have given control of your mind to your ego. And because your ego is always in survival mode its going to cause you to fret and worry about things that haven't taken place in order for the ego to feel like its in control of nothing.
There are no two people on this planet who will see you the same way. You are a different person in everyone's mind. You will be loved by some and disliked by others and none of it is any of your business. You cannot control their thoughts.
The same way you cannot control another's thoughts, they are unable to control yours. The only thing you will ever have is the moment you are in and how you feel about that. Your feelings are in your control.
We are bombarded on a daily basis from external sources with things that make us fearful because they are things that we cannot control. Make it your mission to stop associating with anything or anyone that makes you feel fearful. We've talked about fear and what it can do to us.
Stop watching the news. Stop scrolling social media. What you are seeking cannot be found there. What you are seeking can only be found in the now with you. Your ability to understand this is important on your journey to self discovery.
Think about it this way. If you are distracted by all that external stuff, how are you ever going to be able to focus on the truth? If you're unsure what that truth is, I can assure you that you won't be disappointed when it occurs to you.
Make a list of things you think you can control. Make a list of things that you think control you. Ask yourself, what on these lists is there because they invoke fear in me?
The Serenity Prayer teaches us to know the difference between what we can control and what we cannot control. Societal rules also teach us that we have limitations as to what is within our control and what isn't.
What if I was to tell you that external control is an illusion and that the only thing you will ever have control over is your ego or your soul's reaction to any situation? To think otherwise is to create fear and anxiety, both of which, like control, are an illusion.
If I asked you to take me and show me where your fear and anxiety are outside of your mind, where would you take me? There isn't any place outside of your mind that has the fear and anxiety you think is there.
You have given control of your mind to your ego. And because your ego is always in survival mode its going to cause you to fret and worry about things that haven't taken place in order for the ego to feel like its in control of nothing.
There are no two people on this planet who will see you the same way. You are a different person in everyone's mind. You will be loved by some and disliked by others and none of it is any of your business. You cannot control their thoughts.
The same way you cannot control another's thoughts, they are unable to control yours. The only thing you will ever have is the moment you are in and how you feel about that. Your feelings are in your control.
We are bombarded on a daily basis from external sources with things that make us fearful because they are things that we cannot control. Make it your mission to stop associating with anything or anyone that makes you feel fearful. We've talked about fear and what it can do to us.
Stop watching the news. Stop scrolling social media. What you are seeking cannot be found there. What you are seeking can only be found in the now with you. Your ability to understand this is important on your journey to self discovery.
Think about it this way. If you are distracted by all that external stuff, how are you ever going to be able to focus on the truth? If you're unsure what that truth is, I can assure you that you won't be disappointed when it occurs to you.
Make a list of things you think you can control. Make a list of things that you think control you. Ask yourself, what on these lists is there because they invoke fear in me?
January 8th, 2025 - Day 4 Week 1
We've established that you are the observer, but the observer of what? You are the observer of your ego and your soul. These two grapple on a daily basis to be "heard". The ego roars and the soul whispers.
The ego seeks validation, and for the most part, does not have your best interests at heart. The soul whispers intuitive encouragement and will always have your best interest at heart.
The ego works from a place of fear to keep you from connecting to your true self because then you will take away the ego's agenda to be number one over everyone and everything.
The soul has only one agenda and that is to have you connect with your true self and while doing so you will discover the connection you have with everyone and everything.
How do you know which one is which? When you react to anything by taking it personally, you are your ego. When you react from a place of non judgement, you are your soul.
It takes a lot of self awareness to be able to slow down and stop that surge of indignation that surfaces when we feel we are being wronged. The ego will not have any such treatment done to it.
What the ego doesn't want you to realize is that any external "slight" that comes your way is not about you at all, it is about where the "slight" is coming from. You are not responsible for another's insecurities.
Get out your notebook! Write down the most recent incident where your negative emotions rose to the surface because of someone else. Can you see your ego or your soul in the situation?
Because you have the luxury of not knowing someone else's thoughts and they don't know yours, you get to determine how much space you are going to give their thoughts in your life. Make it zero space.
You have more than enough of your own thoughts to manage without adding things that you know nothing about and most importantly have no control over.
We've established that you are the observer, but the observer of what? You are the observer of your ego and your soul. These two grapple on a daily basis to be "heard". The ego roars and the soul whispers.
The ego seeks validation, and for the most part, does not have your best interests at heart. The soul whispers intuitive encouragement and will always have your best interest at heart.
The ego works from a place of fear to keep you from connecting to your true self because then you will take away the ego's agenda to be number one over everyone and everything.
The soul has only one agenda and that is to have you connect with your true self and while doing so you will discover the connection you have with everyone and everything.
How do you know which one is which? When you react to anything by taking it personally, you are your ego. When you react from a place of non judgement, you are your soul.
It takes a lot of self awareness to be able to slow down and stop that surge of indignation that surfaces when we feel we are being wronged. The ego will not have any such treatment done to it.
What the ego doesn't want you to realize is that any external "slight" that comes your way is not about you at all, it is about where the "slight" is coming from. You are not responsible for another's insecurities.
Get out your notebook! Write down the most recent incident where your negative emotions rose to the surface because of someone else. Can you see your ego or your soul in the situation?
Because you have the luxury of not knowing someone else's thoughts and they don't know yours, you get to determine how much space you are going to give their thoughts in your life. Make it zero space.
You have more than enough of your own thoughts to manage without adding things that you know nothing about and most importantly have no control over.
January 7th, 2025 - Day 3 Week 1
According to researchers we have between 6,000 and 60,000 thoughts a day and the professionals use words like neural communication, temporal lobe, and embodied cognition to explain why those thoughts are there. We accept that as truth and carry on.
Can you imagine how distracted you'd be if you verbally said the thoughts out loud each time they occurred? Or the odd looks that we would give each other for what the thoughts are about?
When trying to answer the question of where do thoughts come from, we need to establish that "you are aware, that you are aware". You are aware of the thoughts, but are you aware that you are aware of the thoughts?
Our mind seems to freeze when we ask it to dig a bit deeper into this unknown territory. It's like it is forbidden and we fear what we might uncover.
So, here's the test. Without using your mouth or voice say the word happiness. Great! Do the same thing one more time.
Now, ask yourself this, if you didn't say the word happiness, who did and if you didn't say the word happiness out loud, how did you heard it? Pause and let that ferment for a moment.
You are now aware that you are aware. You can now understand that you are the observer of the thought. And if you are the observer of the thought, you have the ability to control the thought. Trippy, right?!
When you are in awareness, you are in the now. To be in the now means that the past and the future do not exist and all you have is the moment you are experiencing. The now is all there ever is and all that there ever will be.
To be in the now means that you accept that you don't have to do "what ifs" for things that do not exist. You don't have to role play in your mind scenerios that are not happening anywhere except in your mind.
As the observer, YOU get to decide what thoughts you want to keep and what thoughts you want to toss.
According to researchers we have between 6,000 and 60,000 thoughts a day and the professionals use words like neural communication, temporal lobe, and embodied cognition to explain why those thoughts are there. We accept that as truth and carry on.
Can you imagine how distracted you'd be if you verbally said the thoughts out loud each time they occurred? Or the odd looks that we would give each other for what the thoughts are about?
When trying to answer the question of where do thoughts come from, we need to establish that "you are aware, that you are aware". You are aware of the thoughts, but are you aware that you are aware of the thoughts?
Our mind seems to freeze when we ask it to dig a bit deeper into this unknown territory. It's like it is forbidden and we fear what we might uncover.
So, here's the test. Without using your mouth or voice say the word happiness. Great! Do the same thing one more time.
Now, ask yourself this, if you didn't say the word happiness, who did and if you didn't say the word happiness out loud, how did you heard it? Pause and let that ferment for a moment.
You are now aware that you are aware. You can now understand that you are the observer of the thought. And if you are the observer of the thought, you have the ability to control the thought. Trippy, right?!
When you are in awareness, you are in the now. To be in the now means that the past and the future do not exist and all you have is the moment you are experiencing. The now is all there ever is and all that there ever will be.
To be in the now means that you accept that you don't have to do "what ifs" for things that do not exist. You don't have to role play in your mind scenerios that are not happening anywhere except in your mind.
As the observer, YOU get to decide what thoughts you want to keep and what thoughts you want to toss.
January 6th, 2025 - Day 2 Week 1
You have nothing to fear, but fear itself. (Read that again and again and again.)
Fear isn't real. Like everything else in your life, fear is literally all in your mind. If I asked you to take me to see the fear in your mind, where would you take me?
What is fearful to you could mean nothing to someone else, because their mind isn't your mind. Their fear isn't your fear.
You know fear because you were taught to fear. Someone had their own reason to make you feel fear. You didn't know fear until they needed to bring you down for reasons you will never know. That is on them, not you.
The boogey man under the bed or in the closet doesn't exist and never has. Jumping into bed to avoid the monster under there is an unnecessary ritual. There is no monster.
If you want fear to disappear from your mind you have to 100% be willing to accept that you are the cause and effect for it being there. You may not have put some of it there, but you are the one keeping it there.
(Take a moment now to write about your fears…good and bad.)
Who taught you to fear? Are they relevant in your life now? Forgive them.
Who have you taught to fear? Are they relevant in your life now? Forgive yourself.
All of us live in habitual patterns of looking for problems and finding fault. This is what we've been taught to do, and because of that, we live in a never ending cycle of wanting to change, but fearing change.
Over the next 13 weeks you're going to learn how to redirect your thoughts, create the ones you want, and stay grounded in the truth of who you are.
You have nothing to fear, but fear itself. (Read that again and again and again.)
Fear isn't real. Like everything else in your life, fear is literally all in your mind. If I asked you to take me to see the fear in your mind, where would you take me?
What is fearful to you could mean nothing to someone else, because their mind isn't your mind. Their fear isn't your fear.
You know fear because you were taught to fear. Someone had their own reason to make you feel fear. You didn't know fear until they needed to bring you down for reasons you will never know. That is on them, not you.
The boogey man under the bed or in the closet doesn't exist and never has. Jumping into bed to avoid the monster under there is an unnecessary ritual. There is no monster.
If you want fear to disappear from your mind you have to 100% be willing to accept that you are the cause and effect for it being there. You may not have put some of it there, but you are the one keeping it there.
(Take a moment now to write about your fears…good and bad.)
Who taught you to fear? Are they relevant in your life now? Forgive them.
Who have you taught to fear? Are they relevant in your life now? Forgive yourself.
All of us live in habitual patterns of looking for problems and finding fault. This is what we've been taught to do, and because of that, we live in a never ending cycle of wanting to change, but fearing change.
Over the next 13 weeks you're going to learn how to redirect your thoughts, create the ones you want, and stay grounded in the truth of who you are.
January 5th, 2025 - Day 1 Week 1
We are all at different places in our understanding of life's best kept secrets. There is no first or last place, you are perfectly where you are meant to be at this moment.
Participating in "13 Weeks to Self Discovery" is just another moment of time in your life to learn more about yourself. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
What I'm going to share over the next 13 weeks may seem elementary to some and quite profound to others depending on your personal growth to now. Regardless, you are here for a reason. Trust the process.
Today we're going to talk about the clinical mind and the invisible mind. The clinical mind we can see in pictures as the brain and all of its parts. Your ego, observer, and subconscious are all the invisible parts of the mind that no one can quite pin point in the pictures.
By the time you are six years of age your subconcious mind has been developed along with all of your limiting beliefs about yourself.
(Take a moment now to write about your memories at six years old…good and bad.) These are what continue to influence your life today.
As you grew into adulthood you gathered more teachings from others that were added to your subconcious affirming or voiding what you thought you knew about yourself and the world you were living in.
What wasn't taught to us was how to "sort" and "organize" our mind. We were led to believe that all the "noise" was meant to be there and that we didn't have a say in quietening the noise. Not true.
If you sift through all of the emotions as to why you won't or can't change your mind about anything the only emotion that will make sense is fear.
Fear is the role playing that you do in your mind without even thinking about it. What IF this? What IF that? We do this to the point of creating anxiety over something that isn't even happening. We create fear where no fear is needed.
More about fear tomorrow. See you then!
We are all at different places in our understanding of life's best kept secrets. There is no first or last place, you are perfectly where you are meant to be at this moment.
Participating in "13 Weeks to Self Discovery" is just another moment of time in your life to learn more about yourself. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
What I'm going to share over the next 13 weeks may seem elementary to some and quite profound to others depending on your personal growth to now. Regardless, you are here for a reason. Trust the process.
Today we're going to talk about the clinical mind and the invisible mind. The clinical mind we can see in pictures as the brain and all of its parts. Your ego, observer, and subconscious are all the invisible parts of the mind that no one can quite pin point in the pictures.
By the time you are six years of age your subconcious mind has been developed along with all of your limiting beliefs about yourself.
(Take a moment now to write about your memories at six years old…good and bad.) These are what continue to influence your life today.
As you grew into adulthood you gathered more teachings from others that were added to your subconcious affirming or voiding what you thought you knew about yourself and the world you were living in.
What wasn't taught to us was how to "sort" and "organize" our mind. We were led to believe that all the "noise" was meant to be there and that we didn't have a say in quietening the noise. Not true.
If you sift through all of the emotions as to why you won't or can't change your mind about anything the only emotion that will make sense is fear.
Fear is the role playing that you do in your mind without even thinking about it. What IF this? What IF that? We do this to the point of creating anxiety over something that isn't even happening. We create fear where no fear is needed.
More about fear tomorrow. See you then!
January 4th, 2025
You may have noticed that I haven't asked anyone to register to particpate in "13 Weeks to Self Discovery".
The journey to discovering yourself is a personal experience that no one but you needs to know about. It's always been my best kept secret with myself knowing what I know. Now I get to pass the info along to others because the time is right for me to do so.
As we move through the next 13 weeks I'm leaving it up to you to contact me if you decide to for any reason. You can do this by using my contact page on this website.
I'm looking forward to day one tomorrow!
You may have noticed that I haven't asked anyone to register to particpate in "13 Weeks to Self Discovery".
The journey to discovering yourself is a personal experience that no one but you needs to know about. It's always been my best kept secret with myself knowing what I know. Now I get to pass the info along to others because the time is right for me to do so.
As we move through the next 13 weeks I'm leaving it up to you to contact me if you decide to for any reason. You can do this by using my contact page on this website.
I'm looking forward to day one tomorrow!
January 3rd, 2025
Are you ready to start your 13 week journey of self discovery?
To Do List:
1. Schedule personal time in your calendar - Jan 5-Apr5.
2. Commit to doing your personal time every day.
3. Get something to write with and write in.
4. Have an open mind and an open heart.
You're set!
Are you ready to start your 13 week journey of self discovery?
To Do List:
1. Schedule personal time in your calendar - Jan 5-Apr5.
2. Commit to doing your personal time every day.
3. Get something to write with and write in.
4. Have an open mind and an open heart.
You're set!
January 2nd, 2025
Our 13 weeks together is outlined below! Check in here every day on your "13 Weeks to Self Discovery" journey to learn about the truths of your mind and its abilities.
Day 1 is January 5th.
Our 13 weeks together is outlined below! Check in here every day on your "13 Weeks to Self Discovery" journey to learn about the truths of your mind and its abilities.
Day 1 is January 5th.
January 1st, 2025
Okay, you flipped the calendar and can now see January 5, 2025. Make sure you circle the date or add it to your online calendar. I'm very excited to have you along for the next 13 weeks of learning!
There is no registration required and there is no fee. Your daily commitment to come to this web page is all that you will need. Oh, and something to write with and write in.
Okay, you flipped the calendar and can now see January 5, 2025. Make sure you circle the date or add it to your online calendar. I'm very excited to have you along for the next 13 weeks of learning!
There is no registration required and there is no fee. Your daily commitment to come to this web page is all that you will need. Oh, and something to write with and write in.
December 31st, 2024
Here we are again, getting ready to enter another loop of 365 days. Now that I understand that there is no other time but the now, living life isn't so daunting.
During "13 Weeks to Self Discovery" we're going to learn about the now and how nothing exists unless you want it to exist.
There is no registration required to participate in "13 Weeks to Self Discovery". All that is required is a commitment from yourself to come to this website each day and learn.
If you choose to share your journey with me you can do so at https://www.kimlmlongstreet.ca/contact.html
Here we are again, getting ready to enter another loop of 365 days. Now that I understand that there is no other time but the now, living life isn't so daunting.
During "13 Weeks to Self Discovery" we're going to learn about the now and how nothing exists unless you want it to exist.
There is no registration required to participate in "13 Weeks to Self Discovery". All that is required is a commitment from yourself to come to this website each day and learn.
If you choose to share your journey with me you can do so at https://www.kimlmlongstreet.ca/contact.html
December 30th, 2024
We are all in a "hover" mode at the moment as we wait to flip the calendar and do a repeat of the past 365 days. Have you ever noticed that we are on a continuous loop of 365 days? Over and over and over again?
What we aren't taught is that time is an illusion. There is only ever this moment that you are experiencing and the now is forever. This is a hard one for people to understand, but we'll work on that during the "13 Weeks to Self Discovery" starting on January 5th, 2025!
We are all in a "hover" mode at the moment as we wait to flip the calendar and do a repeat of the past 365 days. Have you ever noticed that we are on a continuous loop of 365 days? Over and over and over again?
What we aren't taught is that time is an illusion. There is only ever this moment that you are experiencing and the now is forever. This is a hard one for people to understand, but we'll work on that during the "13 Weeks to Self Discovery" starting on January 5th, 2025!
December 29th, 2024
What will you need to participate in "13 Weeks to Self Discovery"? Mark your calendar - January 5th start date!
1. Access to https://www.kimlmlongstreet.ca.
2. Commitment to daily personal time.
3. Something to write in and write with.
That's it!
What will you need to participate in "13 Weeks to Self Discovery"? Mark your calendar - January 5th start date!
1. Access to https://www.kimlmlongstreet.ca.
2. Commitment to daily personal time.
3. Something to write in and write with.
That's it!
December 28th, 2024
From January 5, 2025 to April 5, 2025 we are going to focus on affirmations, gratitude, goal setting, and limiting beliefs.
Connecting these four behaviours will lead to the discovery of your lifetime!
All you have to do is commit to doing the daily work with me and you will begin to understand the power that your mind holds.
From January 5, 2025 to April 5, 2025 we are going to focus on affirmations, gratitude, goal setting, and limiting beliefs.
Connecting these four behaviours will lead to the discovery of your lifetime!
All you have to do is commit to doing the daily work with me and you will begin to understand the power that your mind holds.